Acciona Windpower has signed a 54M W supply deal in Brazil, and said it is close to clinching another 117 MW in the South American country.
The 54MW order – Acciona’s seventh in Brazil – is for 18 of its AW125/3000 wind turbines on 120-metre concrete towers.
The wind turbines will go to the Santa Vitória do Palmar wind power complex in the state of Acciona Windpower wins 54 MW Brazil wind energy orderdeveloped by Atlantic Energias Renováveis.
Acciona has already been awarded 153MW of orders at the same complex, with the new deal resulting from the A-3 national power auction held in June.
The Spanish turbine supplier also said it is “in the final phase” of negotiating another deal for 117MW, which would leave it with 837MW contracted in Brazil.
Acciona has been among the strongest overseas contenders for a share of Brazil’s wind energy market, with a hub production facility already up and running and a nacelle assembly plant due to come online by the end of the year.
The wind turbines will go to the Santa Vitória do Palmar wind power complex in the state of Acciona Windpower wins 54 MW Brazil wind energy orderdeveloped by Atlantic Energias Renováveis.
Acciona has already been awarded 153MW of orders at the same complex, with the new deal resulting from the A-3 national power auction held in June.
The Spanish turbine supplier also said it is “in the final phase” of negotiating another deal for 117MW, which would leave it with 837MW contracted in Brazil.
Acciona has been among the strongest overseas contenders for a share of Brazil’s wind energy market, with a hub production facility already up and running and a nacelle assembly plant due to come online by the end of the year.