Thepeninsularelectricitydemandin the month ofJune,after taking intoaccount the effects oftimingand temperaturesfell by1.8%over the samemonth last year.Gross demandhasbeenfrom19,239GWh,7.3%lower than inJune 2012.
InJune,the generationfrom renewable energy sourcesinSpainhas accounted for45.2% of production:Thewindenergy was19.3%,2.9%concentrating solar powerandsolar PV5.1%.The wind energy produced 19.3% of electricity in June in Spain, 2.9% concentrating solar thermal and photovoltaic solar energy 5.1%.
In the first halfof the year, adjustedfor calendar effectsand temperatures,theconsumption was2.7% lower thanlast year.Electricity demand inthisperiod was122 871GWh, 3.8%less than inthe same period of2012.
The productionof wind energy in this the monthtotaled3,582GWh, 13.3% highercompared to the sameperiod last year,and represents19.3%of total production.
InJune,the generationfromrenewableenergy sourcesrepresented45.2%of production. 64.7%of electricity productionthis monthcame from technologiesthat emit noCO2.
Generationof June2013
GenerationJanuary to June2013