Wind turbines don't affect property values
A University of Rhode Island study has found that wind turbine construction and operation doesn't appear to have a negative effect on the property values of nearby homes.Economics professor Corey Lang...
View ArticleEólica y energías renovables: Siemens suministra sus aerogeneradores al...
Siemens y Cape Wind han firmado un importante contrato para el suministro de aerogeneradores y la construcción del primer parque eólico marino de Estados Unidos.Una vez que el contrato entra en vigor...
View ArticleIndia's Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)
It was the JNNSM that kick started the Concentrated Solar Thermal Power (CSP) program in India. Under the phase 1 (2010-13) of the Mission, 50% of the allotted capacity was earmarked for Concentrating...
View ArticleIndia's wind energy: Mytrah Energy adds 150 MW wind power capacity in 3 States
Mytrah Energy Ltd has added wind power generation capacity of about 150 MW in three southern States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. This has increased its installed wind power generation...
View ArticleStrong Growth Forecast for Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Energy Industry in 2014...
Six-month period to March 2014 will result in 22 GW of demand, equivalent to a new 5 MW solar farm installed every hour. Solar photovoltaic (PV) demand is poised for explosive growth in 2014, and is...
View ArticleAbengoa, empresa líder en desarrollo termosolar
Las centrales termosolares aprovechan la energía del sol para calentar agua o gas, que posteriormente pasa por una turbina que trasforma la energía térmica en eléctrica. La tecnología termosolar se...
View ArticleLa eólica tumba el precio de la electricidad en España
La ciclogéneis explosiva que ha pasado por España ha revolucionado los numerosos parques eólicos, lo que ha provocado una mayor generación eléctrica con eólica y, consecuentemente, un desplome de los...
View ArticleEnergías renovables: El fondo Eiser Infrastructure demanda a España por los...
Eiser es socio en España de Elecnor y de la firma de ingeniería Aries. Tiene un 36,95% en Aries Solar Termoeléctrica (Aste), que posee dos centrales termosolares de 50 megavatios (MW) en Alcázar de San...
View ArticleEólica y energías renovables: Gamesa suministra 450 MW y 225 aerogeneradores...
Gamesa refuerza su presencia en la eólica de Estados Unidos: acuerdo marco para el suministro de hasta 450 MW a EDPR.Gamesa instalará hasta un máximo de 225 aerogeneradores G114-2.0 MW para EDP...
View ArticleGamesa wind energy reinforces its presence in the US: framework agreement for...
Gamesa will install up to 225 G114-2.0 MW wind turbines for EDP Renovaveis.Gamesa, a global technology leader in wind energy, has signed a framework agreement with EDP Renovaveis (EDPR) for the supply...
View ArticleAbengoa leads the Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) sector worldwide
Abengoa has a total concentrated solarpower (CSP) installed capacity of 1,223 MW in operation, 430 MW under construction and 210 MW in the pre-construction phase distributed in across 27 Concentrated...
View ArticleSpain meets 1.8% of electricity demand with concentrated solar power (CSP)...
This is an increase on the 4.3% of demand that the nation met with photovoltaic (PV) and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) together in 2012.Spain's grid operator has released provisional figures for 2013,...
View ArticleNissan pone a prueba sus vehículos eléctricos
British Gas pondrá a prueba 28 coches eléctricos Nissan e-NV200s durante el invierno para determinar la futura viabilidad de la tecnología en vehículos eléctricos como parte de su flota de 13.000...
View ArticleDECC consent granted for Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm planning variations
The application made in September 2013 by Dudgeon Offshore Wind to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to vary the offshore planning consent for the Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm has now...
View ArticleAmbassador highlights Colombia’s large untapped hydro and wind power potential
Colombia has large untapped hydro and wind power potential that can not only meet its entire energy requirements but also supply sustainable energy to many of its neighbors in South and Central...
View ArticleEnergías renovables: Uruguay multiplicará por 5 la generación eólica
Dentro de tres meses, Uruguay aumentará su capacidad de generación de energía eólica y alcanzará los 250 megavatios. Actualmente, los parques eólicos aportan al sistema de generación 52 megavatios.Ya...
View ArticleEnergías renovables: El parque eólico de Yucatán será realidad en 2014
El Gobierno del Estado prevé que Yucatán incursione plenamente en la generación de energía eólica durante el segundo semestre de 2014, con el arranque del primer parque eólico en el municipio de Dzilam...
View ArticleU.S.: Wind energy developers rush to get federal tax credits
The wind rush continues in the Texas Panhandle with developers hoping to qualify for a federal tax credit program set to expire Tuesday.Chicago-based Invenergy announced this week it had arranged...
View ArticleEólica y energías renovables: Enel Gren Power completa un parque eólico con...
EGP, que cotiza tanto en la Bolsa de Milán como en la de Madrid, recordó que esta central eólica, que se comenzó a construir en diciembre de 2012, cuenta con 45 turbinas eólicas de 2 megavatios (MW),...
View ArticleWind energy: Vestas signs first wind turbines order for V110-2.0 MW in Europe
40 MW wind farm in Poland is first to deploy Vestas’ V110-2.0 MW wind turbine in Europe.Located in the Gdansk region of northern Poland, the Ostazewo project includes delivery, installation, and...
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