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El avión Solar Impulse inicia un vuelo sin precedentes con energía solar fotovoltaica


Con la ayuda de materiales de alta tecnología e impulsado únicamente por energía solar, el aeroplano futurista Solar Impulse ha iniciado  un viaje sin precedentes alrededor del mundo. Los detalles de este viaje histórico fueron revelados el pasado mes de enero en Abu Dabi por Bertrand Piccard y André Borschberg, promotores del proyecto y pilotos de la aeronave, que ha partido  de esta ciudad del golfo Pérsico. La aeronave es especialmente ligera y energéticamente eficiente gracias al empleo de numerosos productos y soluciones innovadores de Bayer MaterialScience, entre los que destaca un nuevo material aislante para la cabina extraordinariamente eficaz.

El avión Solar Impulse 2 puede volar las 24 horas del día sin consumir ni una gota de combustible, y con un peso de tan solo 2,3 toneladas ―menos de lo que pesa un todoterreno grande― aunque con la envergadura de un avión de pasajeros de gran tamaño. Durante el viaje, que está previsto que dure cinco meses, recorrerá 32.000 kilómetros gracias a unos motores propulsados exclusivamente por la energía que proporcionarán unas 17.200 células fotovoltaicas. El piloto al mando de la pequeña cabina tendrá que mantenerse en el aire hasta cinco días consecutivos, incluyendo noches.

A cargo del diseño de la carcasa de la cabina
Además de contribuir a que el aviador pueda resistir las exigencias que conlleva este viaje, los materiales de alta tecnología de Bayer MaterialScience resultan cruciales para el conjunto de la misión. Una de las responsabilidades de la empresa, que es patrocinadora oficial del proyecto desde el año 2010, ha sido el diseño completo de la carcasa de la cabina. 

Entre los materiales utilizados en su fabricación se encuentra Baytherm®Microcell, una espuma aislante de poliuretano cuyo rendimiento es un diez por ciento superior al de los materiales estándar que se utilizan actualmente para el aislamiento. En esta aeronave resulta particularmente importante contar con un aislamiento de alta eficiencia, puesto que será necesario hacer frente a importantes oscilaciones térmicas, desde los 40°C bajo cero durante la noche hasta los 40°C grados durante el día.

La compañía se siente muy orgullosa por su contribución al proyecto Solar Impulse, con el que se demuestra de forma muy gráfica cómo las innovaciones pueden contribuir a preservar los recursos naturales del planeta, así como a mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas y crear valor añadido.

Baytherm® Microcell se utiliza para el aislamiento de la puerta del avión. El resto de la cabina está fabricada con otro tipo de espuma rígida de poliuretano de Bayer MaterialScience. La compañía también suministra el material compuesto de poliuretano y fibra de carbono del que están hechos los cierres de la puerta, así como las delgadas láminas de policarbonato transparente de alto rendimiento para la ventana frontal.

Un revestimiento plateado
En el exterior de la cabina se ha empleado espuma rígida de poliuretano de Bayer MaterialScience para aislar las baterías. Asimismo, la compañía suministra las materias primas utilizadas en el revestimiento plateado que cubre gran parte de la aeronave, así como los adhesivos con los que se fija el material textil que hay debajo de las alas.

La compañía también proporciona a otros mercados y sectores industriales policarbonatos y materias primas de poliuretano, por ejemplo, para la construcción ultraligera en automoción, para el aislamiento de edificios y para el control térmico en electrónica de consumo.

La participación de Bayer MaterialScience en el proyecto Solar Impulse repercutirá positivamente sobre la evolución de sectores clave, ya que se utilizará la aeronave como laboratorio donde mejorar y poner a prueba los productos y, de esa forma, descubrir nuevos ámbitos potenciales de aplicación.

Con una facturación de 11.700 millones de euros en el año 2014, Bayer MaterialScience se encuentra entre las mayores empresas fabricantes de polímeros del mundo. Sus negocios se concentran en la fabricación de materiales de altas prestaciones y en el desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras para productos pertenecientes a muchos ámbitos de la vida diaria. Los clientes más importantes de la empresa proceden de la industria automovilística, la construcción, la electrónica y la electrotecnia, así como de sectores relacionados con el deporte y los artículos de ocio. Bayer MaterialScience cuenta con 30 plantas de producción repartidas por todo el mundo, y con una plantilla de aproximadamente 14.200 personas. Bayer MaterialScience es una empresa del grupo Bayer.


Concentrated Solar Power would need to meet 8%-10% of global electricity demand by 2050

The best sites are between 10° and 40°, South or North. As you can see in the chart below, this makes a huge difference, a CSP in Chile might cost half as much as one in Spain.
Locating a plant with a solar irradiance of 2,700 kWh/m2 would decrease the generation cost by 25% compared with the same plant with 2,100 kWh/m2. Minimum suitable DNI for CSP is 2000 kWh/m²/year.

The problem with less than 10° north or south is that the atmosphere is usually too cloudy and wet in summer, and above 40° the weather is too cloudy. DNI is also significantly better at higher altitudes, where absorption and scattering of sunlight are much lower. DNI looks also to be related to land mass, with levels higher over the continent of Africa than the island chains of the Caribbean and Indonesia.

CSP installed capacity was just 4.5 GW at the end of 2014. The US should continue to drive the market, with 3.4 GW of capacity additions by 2017. CSP’s land requirement averages 50 MW per km², midway between solar PV and Wind.

Water use

The best places are deserts where there’s little water. Like any thermal power plant, CSP needs water for cooling processes, which may have a significant environmental impact in arid and semi-arid areas.

Maximum Water consumption of various plants liters/MWh: 3,780   CSP – Fresnel, 3,024 CSP – Parabolic Trough (294 dry cool), 2,835 CSP – Solar Tower (340 dry cool),  19 Solar PV. Source: CRS (2009), “Water Issues of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Electricity in the U.S. Southwest.

The Western Governors’ Association has established a goal of 8 GW by 2015 for solar energy capacity. 15 If this goal is achieved through wet-cooled CSP without storage (i.e., with a 25% capacity factor), the water requirements would be roughly 43 thousand acre-feet per year.If the premium solar sites are selected for these first investments, they likely would be concentrated in Arizona and California. To provide a sense of scale for this water consumption, it can be compared to the overall state-level water consumption. For example, if all of the 8 GW was constructed in Arizona, the increased water demand would represent roughly 1% of the state’s consumptive water use.
NREL projected as part of its Concentrating Solar Deployment System (CSDS) that 55 GW of CSP would be deployed by 2050 and assumed that the CSP fac ilities would all have six hours of storage. 18 NREL estimated the mean capacity factor for these facilities at 43%.  If 55 GW of capacity by 2050 is achieved using wet cooling, the water requirements would be roughly 505 acre feet per year. CSP water use would be less if more water-efficient cooling is employed and if not all the facilities under the 55 GW deployment projection have thermal storage. Alternatively, electricity generated and water use could be higher if 12 hours of thermal storage are employed in some or all facilities.
A Department of Energy (DOE) report, Concentrating Solar Power Commercial Application Study: Reducing Water Consumption of Concentrating Solar Power Electricity Generation , found that dry cooling could reduce water consumption to roughly 80 gal/MWh for solar troughs and 90 gal/MWh for solar towers, compared to the cooling water consumption shown in Table 1. However, DOE also found that electricity generation at a dry-cooled facility dropped off at ambient temperatures above 100°F. Dry cooling, thus, would reduce generation on the same hot days when summer peak electricity demand is greatest. For parabolic troughs in the Southwest, the benefit in the reduction in water consumption from dry cooling resulted in cost increases of 2% to 9% and a reduction in energy generation of 4.5% to 5%. The cost and energy generation penalties for dry cooling depend largely on how much time a facility has ambient temperature above 100°F.
Many of the counties identified as potential locations for CSP also were identified by EPRI as having some level of susceptibility to water supply constraints. The potential use of water by CSP in moderately constrained counties (e.g., Grant and Luna, NM) and in highly constrained counties (e.g., La Paz and Maricopa, AZ) may lead to the adoption of or requirement for more freshwater-efficient CSP facilities. For some Southwest counties with relatively low water use, large-scale deployment of CSP, even with water-efficient cooling technologies, could significantly increase the demand for water in the county (e.g., Grant, NM, and Mineral, NV).
According to NREL’s analysis, significant amounts of the 55 GW generated would be transmitted outside of the CSP-generating states, thereby resulting in a virtual export of the water resources of the producing states to the consuming states. 21 The higher the water consumed per kilowatt-hour, the more the Southwest’s limited water resources would be virtually exported to other regions. The virtual export of water raises policy questions about concentrating electricity generation and its impacts in a few counties and states while its benefits are distributed more broadly. Virtual water imports and exports, however, are not unique to electricity. For example, water is embedded in locally produced agricultural products and manufactured goods that are distributed nationally or globally.
CSP facilities using wet cooling can consume more water per unit of electricity generated than traditional fossil fuel facilities with wet cooling. Options exist for reducing the freshwater consumed by CSP and other thermoelectric facilities. Available freshwater-efficient cooling options, however, often reduce the quantity of electricity produced and increase electricity production costs, and generally do not eliminate water resource impacts.
No water is used or consumed in dry cooling. Air, however, has a much lower capacity to carry heat than water; therefore, dry cooling generally is less efficient than wet cooling in removing heat. 7 Often, massive cooling fans are used to remove the heat from the pipe array in dry cooling. These fans consume a portion of the electricity generated by the power plant. Although dry cooling reduces water use, its consumption of energy for cooling fans and reduction of thermal efficiency of the steam turbines, especially on the hottest days of the year, when summer-peaking utilities most need power, is a significant factor impeding its adoption.
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) developed an index of the susceptibility of U.S. counties to water supply constraints. The index was derived by combining information on the extent of development of available renewable water supply, groundwater use, endangered species, drought susceptibility, estimated growth in water use, and summer deficits in water supply. EPRI produced Figure 1 , which shows the susceptibility to constrained water supplies. Comparing the water constraint index to NREL’s projection of CSP deployment by 2050, in Figure 2, shows overlap, particularly in Arizona and California. NREL’s analysis did not consider water availability as a constraint on CSP deployment.

Source: Unless otherwise noted, data calculated from DOE, Energy Demands on Water Resources: Report to Congress on the Interdependency of Energy and Water , Dec. 2006. Notes: a. Data is for cooling tower technology, b. DOE, Energy Demands on Water Resources: Report to Congress on the Interdependency of Energy and Water, included some of the other water consumed onsite at the generation facility, but appears not to have captured all of the non-cooling water consumed. Collection and dissemination of data that captures all non-cooling water consumed would improve comparison across technologies. c. DOE, Concentrating Solar Power Commercial Application Study: Reducing Water Consumption of Concentrating Solar Power Electricity Generation (undated) This source captured more of the non-cooling water consumed during generation than the source cited in note b. d. NREL, Fuel from the Sky: Solar Power’s Potential for Western Energy Supply , NREL/SR-550-32160 (July 2002), p. 99. e. CRS provided note. f. Cooling ponds, which are commonly used at nuclear facilities, consume roughly 720 gal/MWh. g. IGCC is Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle.
Capacity factors for CSP plants with storage are highly uncertain given the early stage of CSP storage technology. As the cost of thermal storage is reduced, future parabolic trough plants could yield capacity factors greater than 70%, competing directly with future baseload combined cycle plants or coal plants. 13 Increased capacity factors mean more energy is generated at a facility, and represent an increase in the quantity of water consumed for each MW of installed capacity. Therefore, without knowing the capacity factor, projections of installed capacity in the Southwest provide incomplete information for producing reliable estimates of the water that may be required for future CSP installations.
This concentration of CSP in a region of the country with water constraints has raised questions about whether, and how, to invest in large-scale deployment of CSP. Most electricity generation requires and consumes water (see Table 1 . Wind is an exception, and PV consumes water only for washing mirrors and surfaces. 11 The water consumed per megawatt- hour (MWh) of electricity produced is referred to as the energy technology’s water intensity.
Why is there concern specifically about the CSP water footprint? CSP using wet cooling (i.e., solar trough and solar tower) consumes more water per MWh than some other generation technologies, as shown in Table 1. The water intensity of electricity from a CSP plant with wet cooling generally is higher than that of fossil fuel facilities with wet cooling. However, its water intensity is less than that of geothermal-produced electricity.
As previously discussed and as shown by comparing the second and third columns in Table 1 , the majority of water consumption at a CSP facility occurs during the cooling process. The fourth column in Table 1 depicts the water consumed in producing the fuel source; this water consumption generally does not occur at the same location as generation. Although CSP cooling technologies are generally the same as those used in traditional thermoelectric facilities, the CSP water footprint is greater due to CSP’s lower net steam cycle efficiency. Options exist for reducing the water consumed by thermoelectric facilities, including CSP facilities; however, with current technology, these options reduce the quantity of energy produced and increase the energy production cost.
A February 2009 memo from the Regional Director of the Pacific West Region of the National Park Service (NPS) to the Acting State Director for Nevada of the Bureau of Land Management illustrates the trend toward more freshwater-efficient cooling. The memo identifies water availability and water rights issues as impacts to be evaluated in permitting of renewable energy projects on federal lands. The memo states: “In arid settings, the increased water demand from concentrating solar energy systems employing water-cooled technology could strain limited water resources already under development pressure from urbanization, irrigation expansion, commercial interests and mining.” 14 The memo also cites rulings in 2001 and 2002 by the Nevada State Engineer identifying reluctance to grant new water rights for water-cooled power plants.

Water consumption refers to water that disappears or is diverted from its source, for example by evaporation, incorporation into crops or industrial processes, drinking water…It is smaller than water withdrawal, which refers to water that is essentially “sucked up” for a given use, but then returned to its source.
Unless dry cooling technology is used, CSP requires a significant volume of water for cooling and condensing processes.  But dry cooling is more costly, with efficiency reduced by up to 7% because more energy is required to power the fans and because higher re-cooling temperatures result in higher condensing pressures and temperatures. As a consequence, 2-10% more investment is required to achieve the same annual energy output as a water-cooled system.
Water has several advantages. Direct steam generation, which uses water as the direct working medium rather than oil, allows a higher process temperature and increases efficiency. Higher steam temperature (up to 500°C instead of maximum 390ºC with oil) results in higher efficiency and lower investment and O&M costs due to simpler balance of plant configurations (no need to circulate a second fluid, which in turn reduces pumping power and parasitic losses).  And finally, there’s a reduced environmental risks because oil is replaced with water.

CSP 8-10% of global electricity

In the long run, the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that CSP would need to meet 8%-10% of global electricity demand by 2050 to limit the average global temperature increase to 2°C, requiring an installed capacity of 800 GW. 
By comparison, 2,000 GW of solar PV capacity is required to supply the same amount of electricity. The higher load factor for CSP explains this difference.
For CSP to meet 8% of electricity demand, significant deployment outside the OECD and China would be required.  That will require long-distance HVDC transmission lines and add significantly to costs.
The IEA believes the LCOE of CSP would need to fall by more than 75% for their plan to succeed mainly via economies of scale, decrease in component costs and higher efficiency.
There is no aspect of CSP which doesn’t need drastic improvement in cost and performance to make these financially feasible, and research is being done on every component:
Concentrators & receivers: 1) Seek an alternative to conventional rear-silvered glass mirrors (e.g. polymer-based films); 2) Develop a tracking system to track the sun and ensure that reflection is optimized; 3) Improve the solar field set-up.
Heat Fluid Transfer & Storage: 1) Seek new heat transfer fluids and storage media (e.g. phase change material, molten salts); 2) Develop Phase Change thermal storage for all direct steam generation solar plants.
Central receivers: 1) Develop air receivers with Rankine or Brayton cycle; 2) Develop solar tower with ultra/supercritical steam cycle; 3) Develop multi-tower set up.
Develop ground and satellite modeling of solar resources: 1) Improve satellite algorithms to obtain higher spatial resolutions to map high DNI areas better; 2) Develop sensor systems, computing systems and software to optimize sun-tracking systems, adapt to the environment (such as high wind conditions), and to control engine use.
Not fossil free: Almost all existing CSP plants use a back-up fuel (usually natural gas) to substitute or complement thermal storage.


CSP is a capital-intensive technology. Initial investment, dominated by solar field equipment and labor, ranges from $2,500 to $10,200 USD per kW mainly depending on capacity factor and storage size – and accounts on average for 84% of the electricity generation costs of CSP. The remaining 16% consist mainly of fixed Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs. Fixed O&M averages around 70 USD per kW per year, while variable maintenance is limited to around 3 USD per MWh.
Although fuel costs are low, Operation & Maintenance (O&M) costs at CSP plants are still significant, at around 30 USD/MWh, the main components are replacing mirrors & receivers due to glass breakage, cleaning the mirrors and insuring the plant.
Depending on the boundary conditions, in particular solar irradiation resource, the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) from CSP ranges from $140 to $360 USD per MWh.
The Desertec Industrial Initiative is promoting the installation of CSP plants in the sun-rich MENA deserts, with the aim of CSP’s contribution to European electricity supply reaching up to 16% by 2050.
Parabolic Trough 6 to 8h storage: $ 7,100 – 9,800 USD/kW Capital cost, 40% to 53% capacity factor.
Solar Tower 6 to 7.5h storage: $ 6,300 – 7,500 USD/kW Capital cost, 40% to 45% capacity factor.
Solar Tower 12 to 15h storage: $ 9,000 – 10,500 USD/kW Capital cost, 65% to 80% capacity factor.


Abengoa Solar – Ch. Breyer and A. Gerlach (2011), “Concentrating Solar Power A Sustainable and Dispatchable Power Option”
Bloomberg New Energy Finance – BNEF (2012), online database
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas – CIEMAT (2007), “Overview on Direct Steam Generation (DSG)and Experience at the Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA)”
Chatham House (2009), “Who owns our Low Carbon Future? Intellectual Property and Energy Technologies”
Congressional Research Service (2009), “Water Issues of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Electricity in the U.S. Southwest”
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt – DLR (2004), “European Concentrated Solar Thermal Road-Mapping”
Desertec Industrial Initiative – DII (2012), “Desert Power 2050: Perspectives on a Sustainable Power System for EUMENA”
European Academies Science Advisory Council – EASAC (2011), “Concentrating solar power: its potential contribution to a sustainable energy future”
European Commission Joint Research Center – EC JRC (2011), “Capacities Map 2011 – Update on the R&D Investment in Three Selected Priority Technologies within the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan: Wind, PV and CSP”
European Solar Thermal Electricity Association – ESTELA (2010), “Solar Thermal Electricity 2025 – Clean electricity on demand: attractive STE cost stabilize energy production”
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change –IPCC (2011), “Special report on renewable energy”
International Energy Agency – IEA (2012), “Energy Technology Perspectives 2012”
International Energy Agency – IEA (2011), “Solar Energy Perspectives”
International Energy Agency – IEA (2011), “Annual Report – Implement Agreement on Photovoltaic Power System”
International Energy Agency – IEA (2011), “Harnessing Variable Renewables – A guide to balancing challenge”
International Energy Agency – IEA (2009), “Concentrating Solar Power – Technology Roadmap”
International Renewable Energy Agency – IRENA (2012), “Cost analysis series. Concentrating Solar Power”
International Renewable Energy Agency – IRENA (2012), “Water Desalination Using Renewable Energy – Technology Brief”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT (2011), “The Future of Electric Grid
Natural Resources Defense Council – NRDC (2012) “Heating Up India’s Solar Thermal Market under the National Solar Mission”
National Renewable Energy Laboratory – NREL (2012), SolarPaces online database (http://www.nrel.gov/csp/solarpaces/by_project.cfm)
United Nations Environment Programme – UNEP (2012), “Global Trends in renewable Investment 2012”


termosolar, Concentrated Solar Power, Concentrating Solar Power, CSP, Concentrated Solar Thermal Power, solar power, solar energy, DNI, cost, water


Wind energy for GM in Mexico


An agreement struck by Enel Green Power and General Motors will see a 34MW wind farm built in Toluca in Mexico that will power the car manufacturers local operations. The facility will generate clean electricity that will help reduce both the emissions and the environmental impact of GM’s production activities in the Central American country.


A 34-megawatt wind farm that has 17 turbines will be built by Enel Green Power on more than 40 hectares of land in Toluca in Mexico, after the green energy business signed an agreement with General Motors to supply the automotive company’s local manufacturing operations with renewable energy.
The agreement contributes to the sustainable development of one of Mexico’s largest production areas, where headquarters, complexes and factories belonging to domestic and global heavy industry businesses are located. The Toluca wind farm will help reduce the emissions produced and the environmental impact of the GM facility, and this will be the first time that the US automotive manufacturer uses wind energy to power its manufacturing operations.
Enel Green Power has an installed capacity of 399MW in Mexico, of which 346MW is from wind power and 53MW from hydropower, and it is currently building the Dominica II wind farm. Wind power is one of the major development areas for renewable energy in the Central American country, which wants to triple its wind power capacity from around 2.5 gigawatts to 9.5GW by 2018. It is also planning to increase the share of renewable energy to 33 percent of the domestic energy mix, in which currently 80 percent of demand is met with fossil fuels and 17 percent with green energy sources.

Vehicle-Grid Integration Services Revenue is Expected to Reach Nearly $21 Million by 2024

A new report from Navigant Research analyzes the market opportunity for vehicle-grid integration (VGI) technologies to be used to support grid reliability and stability, including global market forecasts for vehicle-to-grid-enabled PEVs and VGI capacity and revenue, segmented by region, through 2024.

Today’s plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) represent a significant increase in electricity demand that, if unmanaged, could cause problems with distribution-level transformers and could drastically increase demand during peak hours when PEV owners return from work and plug in their vehicles. At the same time, PEVs also represent an increase in load that could be used to capture renewable electricity generation and help balance generation with demand, theoretically making electricity marginally cheaper and cleaner. 
According to a new report from Navigant Research, worldwide revenue from VGI services is expected to grow from $335,000 annually in 2015 to $20.7 million by 2024.
“In development since before the Volt and LEAF were first sold in the Unites States, VGI technologies are designed to help make the grid more flexible and resilient, while also lowering electricity rates for owners of PEVs,” says Scott Shepard, research analyst with Navigant Research. “With global sales of PEVs surpassing 320,000 in 2014, pilot programs testing VGI technologies are proliferating, and this market has the opportunity to expand rapidly in the coming years.”
The VGI market can be separated into two categories, according to the report: PEVs can provide services to the grid by changing the rate at which they consume power, which is known as vehicle-to-grid communications for charge management, or V1G. Or they can provide power back to the grid, a bidirectional system known as vehicle-to-grid power transfer, orV2G. While V2G pilots have taken center stage, to date, V1G pilots have fewer barriers in regards to automaker adoption and accessible markets.
The report, “Vehicle Grid Integration Technologies,” analyzes the market opportunity for VGI technologies to be used to support grid reliability and stability. It considers various policy factors associated with the growth of VGI, as well as significant market drivers and barriers. Global market forecasts for V2X-enabled PEVs and VGI capacity and revenue, segmented by region, extend through 2024. The report also examines the major V2G technologies and case studies and profiles key market participants. An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download on the Navigant Research website.


Alstom: milestone for Deepwater’s Block Island Offshore Wind Power Project

Alstom announced it has received formal notice to proceed (NTP) from developers of the Deepwater Wind project, which will feature five Alstom Haliade 150 6-MW offshore wind turbines and is poised to become America’s first commercial offshore wind farm.

Deepwater Wind Block Island, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Deepwater Wind, recently announced it has fully financed the Block Island Wind Farm, reaching financial close.

“This is a major milestone and the confirmation that this project, the first commercial offshore project in the United States for Alstom, will now materialize ” said Yves Rannou, Senior Vice President Wind for Alstom.

“Securing final financing for this ambitious project is an exceptional achievement for Deepwater Wind,” said Anders Soe-Jensen, Vice President Alstom Wind Offshore. “We believe this project will highlight both the commercial and technological viability of offshore wind in the US and we are proud to be part of the team making it happen.  This is the start of a new chapter in sustainable energy for the US.”

Wind turbine, foundation and electrical interface engineering is advancing on schedule to meet Deepwater Wind’s project specifications, including installation of the five foundations during summer 2015. Located about three miles off the coast of Block Island, Rhode Island, the Block Island Wind Farm is scheduled for commercial service in the fourth quarter of 2016.

Alstom and Deepwater Wind announced a contract in February 2014. The NTP represents final contractual authorization for Alstom to proceed on engineering and manufacturing.

Alstom will supply, install and commission the five Haliade 150 turbines for the project and provide 15 years of operations and maintenance support.  The turbines, capable of producing approximately 125,000 MWh of electricity annually, will provide about 90 percent of Block Island’s power needs.

The Haliade™ 150-6 MW wind turbine operates without any gearbox (using direct-drive), thanks to a permanent-magnet generator. The machine features Alstom’s Pure Torque® design which protects the generator by diverting unwanted mechanical stress towards the tower, thereby optimizing performance and reliability. Its 150-metre diameter rotor provides an energy yield that is 15 percent better than existing offshore turbines, supporting the effort to drive down the cost of energy from offshore wind.

GE to supply wind turbines for about 150 MW of wind farm projects in Poland

GE is planning to supply wind turbines for about 150 MW of wind farm projects in Poland by the end of 2015.

This year, the Group will effort on supplying for six or seven wind power projects in Poland.
Recent amendment to the renewable energy law including the transition to auctions for green power capacity passed in Poland is the main reason behind attracting increased renewable investments.
In view of the changes in the renewable energy law adapted in Poland, other sector investments will also catch momentum, stated company officials.
Under its current energy policy, the Polish government predicts additional wind growth reaching up to 13 GW by 2030 and 21 GW by 2050.
GE will make maximum effort to complete wind projects by the end of 2015 so that the plants qualify for green certificates.
In Dec 2014, GE received a contract to supply for Lewandpol with 27 GE 2.5-103 MW of wind turbines for the 120 MW Galicja Wind Farm in Poland.
Galicja will be one of the country’s largest wind farms and GE’s first wind farm in Poland.
Construction of ten wind turbines are currently going on with another 17 planned to begin construction in 2015.
Once the operation begins, the farm located in Podkarpackie region is expected to generate enough energy to power 52,000 homes for a year.
GE will ship the turbines from its manufacturing facility in Salzbergen, Germany, and the wind farm is expected to begin commercial operation by the end of 2015.
According to the GWEC’s Global wind report, in 2013 Poland installed 894 MW of wind capacity reaching eighth highest position in the world in terms of annual wind capacity growth.
At the end of 2013, Poland’s total installed capacity was 3.4 GW.
According to experts, Poland has huge potential for wind energy with an increasing electricity demand at 0.9 percent per year and needs to invest in modern, low- emission energy sources.

Wind power in Ethiopia: Adama II Wind Farm to Be Completed in Three Months

The Adama II Wind Farm, a power generating project which has been jointly implemented by two Chinese companies, namely HYDROCHINA and CGCOC, since July 2013 is nearing completion.
Liu Jianquan, HYDROCHINA Procurement and Programme Manager told The Ethiopian Herald yesterday that 78 of the total 102 wind turbines, each having a power generating capacity of 1.53 megawatt of electricity, have already been erected.

The Project has now reached 83 per cent of completion and the entire Project work is expected to be finalized next June, according to Jianquan.
The 345 million USD power project will have the capacity to generate a total of 153 megawatt of electricity upon going fully operational which makes it the largest ever in the country and three times the capacity of the previously completed Adama I Project.
Among the 78 erected, the number of turbines that are already generating electricity has reached 30 since the first turbine started generating electricity in October last year, according to Liu Jianquan.
Apart from the installation of wind turbines the Adama II Project includes construction of transmission sub-stations that receive the electricity generated from the wind turbines and connect it to the national grid, a 2.6-km asphalt road, 56 maintenance roads and ditches.
"Now, transportation of all the materials needed for the installation of wind turbines and sub stations is completed, and what remains is erection of 14 turbines, and completion of 30 per cent of the maintenance roads as well as ditches," said Jianquan.
According to the Project Manager, the Adama II Wind Farm Project is also making positive contribution to technology transfer. In order to help facilitate the technology transfer, 22 Ethiopians were sent to Beijing for a one month training.
Leulseged Taddese and Izudin Mehammed, two of the 22 Ethiopians who attended the training and now doing monitoring work in the operation plant of the Project site, say that the Project is providing them with opportunities to learn new skills and technologies although the fact that some computer and software languages use only Chinese language makes it difficult for them to learn new skills as quickly as possible.
The Adama II Wind Farm Project has employed 900 Ethiopians who are working as technicians, secretaries and daily labourers, and 200 Chinese who have different expertise. Delays related to the settlement of land related issues during the early stages of the Project implementation and high wind at the Project site were the main challenges faced so far according to the Manager.


Wind energy in Vietnam: First wind power plant in Central Highlands kicked off

Construction of the first wind power farm in Viet Nam's Central Highlands was kicked off in Dlie-Yang Commune in Dak Lak Province's Ea H'leo District on Friday.

The wind power farm is designed to generate 450 million kWh per year, according to HBRE Wind Power Solution Ltd., the investor of the VND6 trillion (over US$280 million) wind power project.
Licensed by Dak Lak People's Committee, HBRE Wind Power Solution envisages implementing the project in three phases to 2020, with total designed capacity of 120MW.
Phase I, with capacity of 28MW and total investment of nearly VND1,400 billion ($66.6 million), is scheduled to generate electricity by June 2016, producing more than 100,000,000kWh per year.
In 2020, when all three phases are completed, the Central Highlands wind power farm is expected to become the largest-capacity wind farm in Viet Nam, meeting demand for power consumption of 200,000 households.
Wind turbines in the southern province of Bac Lieu. Work has begun on a wind power farm in the Dak Lak Province, the first in the Central Highlands region.

Speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony of the wind-power project, Y Dham Enuoi, deputy chairman of Dak Lak Province People's Committee, said the project played an important role in socio-economic development of the Central Highlands province.
"The construction of the wind power farm is a good sign for the development of renewable energy in Dak Lak Province. Its operation will not only create more job opportunities but also help stabilise national energy sources," said Enuoi.
"The wind-power farm will also create new landscapes to attract more visitors and promote tourism in the region," he added.
Pham Trong Thuc, head of the Department for the New and Renewable Energy under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, said total output of wind power stations in the Central Highlands, mainly located in the provinces of Dak Lak and Gia Lai and estimated at 1,350MW, accounts for 25 per cent of the potential of national wind power energy.
About 50 wind power projects have been proposed for the country, with total designed capacity of 4,800MW. Two projects, with a combined output of 46MW, have been brought into operation.
The Central Highlands' Wind Power Farm is the third project of its kind under construction in Viet Nam, Thuc said. 

Siemens tops global wind power market, Vestas slips, GE rises

Siemens gained over Vestas to top the global wind turbine market as measured by market share of newly installed machines connected to the grid in 2014, according to an industry report, but the gap between the top three companies is small.

MAKE Consulting, a Danish renewable energy consultancy, said wind turbine units of Siemens and General Electric Co , and Danish turbine maker Vestas had between 10.8 and 10.1 percent each of global market share, showing the intense competition.

Top 10 Wind Turbine OEMs 2014
  1. Siemens (4)
  2. GE (5)
  3. Vestas (1)
  4. Goldwind (2)
  5. Enercon (3)
  6. United Power (8)
  7. Gamesa (7)
  8. Ming Yang (9)
  9. Envision (12)
  10. XEMC (11)
Source: MAKE Consulting

The consultancy said, however, GE's climb to second position from fifth the previous year was due to turbines that had already been installed in 2013 but were only turned on in 2014.

Siemens meanwhile is expanding rapidly in offshore wind, a new battleground for turbine makers as they produce larger engines to go further offshore to avoid local community complaints against their installation.

Siemens accounted for 76 percent of new capacity installed offshore last year in in the world and 88 percent offshore Europe.

However, none of the top three feature as prominently in China, one of the biggest markets for wind where Chinese makers are dominant. Beijing-based Goldwind, United Power and Ming Yang were the top three turbine makers there respectively, MAKE said.

MAKE's report comes ahead of the world's largest offshore industry event hosted by Copenhagen this week and attended by executives of the sector's major players.

The consultancy – which produces one of the industry’s most eagerly-awaited OEM league tables – said Vestas’ decline was “primarily because of a large volume of turbines delivered to the US market, which were not grid-connected in 2014”.
But MAKE added: “Nonetheless, the Danish turbine OEM maintains a commanding lead in global cumulative grid-connected capacity.”
GE’s leap from fifth in 2013 to runner-up last year reflected continued dominance of the Americas – with connection of previously-erected capacity in Brazil proving a major boon to the US company in 2014.
China’s Goldwind fell from global number two to fifth in the MAKE rankings as Chinese rivals such as Ming Yang and United Power ate into its domestic sales.
MAKE’s 2014 analysis is at odds with earlier preliminary rankings by FTI Consulting, which had Vestas top and Siemens second. Several other market analysts are also expected to deliver their verdict on the sector.
MAKE said its figures are based on “grid-connected capacity, with the exception of China, which is analysed on the basis of mechanically-erected capacity for turbine OEMs operating in that market”.
The Denmark-based analyst said the 2014 rankings saw the gap between the top three in the market shrink “from 3.9 percentage points in 2013 to 0.7 in 2014 – the equivalent of roughly 400MW, indicating heightened competition and increased importance of emerging market engagement”.
Flagging up the rise of industrial behemoths Siemens and GE, MAKE added: “The advancement of multi-industrial conglomerates may signal the advent of a long-expected change in the composition of turbine OEM leadership.
“However, the 2014 rankings were as tight as ever and certainly impacted by secondary market dynamics.”

Gamesa y Areva crean Adwen, su joint venture para la eólica marina


Gamesa y Areva han firmado hoy los acuerdos finales, cerrando así la operación para crear Adwen, joint venture con sede social en Zamudio (España) participada al 50% por ambos grupos para el desarrollo del negocio eólico offshore

La nueva compañía, que contará con cerca de 700 empleados, desarrollará las actividades de diseño, fabricación, instalación, puesta en marcha y operación y mantenimiento de turbinas offshore. La combinación de la experiencia y track record de Gamesa y Areva en el sector eólico sitúan a Adwen en una posición privilegiada para convertirse en un líder de la industria eólica-marina. Con una sólida cartera de proyectos de 2,8 GW,la joint venture aspira a alcanzar una cuota de mercado próxima al 20% en 2020 en Europa. 

La eólica marina es una de las energías con mayor potencial de crecimiento en los próximos años. Europa será el mercado principal en el corto plazo, con 25 GW acumulados. Además, la experiencia acumulada por ambos socios en Asia, permitirá a la compañía beneficiarse del gran potencial offshore de esta región, con previsiones de 17 GW instalados en 2020.

El Consejo de Administración de Adwen contará con ocho consejeros nombrados por Gamesa y Areva (cuatro cada una). Louis-François Durret, CEO de Areva Renewable Energies, presidirá este órgano de gobierno. Por su parte, Luis Álvarez, Director Industrial Offshore de Gamesa, será el Director General de la compañía. Adwen cuenta con sedes en Francia, España, Alemania y Reino Unido.

La nueva compañía cuenta con una cartera de productos y servicios integral para adaptarse a las necesidades específicas de cada proyecto:

§  La plataforma Adwen 8 MW, iniciada por Areva y optimizada en base a la tecnología de Gamesa, comenzará su producción en serie en 2018. Con una cartera de proyectos de 1 GW, la AD 8 MW se convertirá en líder del mercado.
§  La plataforma Adwen 5 MW ofrece dos turbinas complementarias de 5 MW, lo que permitirá atender con flexibilidad la demanda inmediata del mercado.  El aerogenerador AD 5-135, evolución de la M5000-135 de Areva, cuenta con una base instalada de 650 MW que, tras finalizar el proyecto de Wikinger (350 MW), alcanzará 1 GW. Por su parte, AD 5-132 –la G132-5.0 MW offshore de Gamesa- complementa la cartera de producto con un aerogenerador altamente competitivo apto para los diversos mercados en los que operará la JV.

Adwen fabricará estas turbinas en los actuales centros productivos de Areva en Alemania (Bremerhaven y Stade), próximas al Mar del Norte y el Báltico. La compañía continuará con el desarrollo de los compromisos industriales adquiridos por Areva y Gamesa en Francia y en Reino Unido, como la instalación de fábricas en Le Havre y la implantación de una red de suministradores en el país. 

Primera compañía en la industria nuclear, la oferta integral que Areva ofrece a sus clientes cubre cada uno de los estadios del ciclo del combustible nuclear, desde el diseño y construcción de reactores hasta los servicios de operación. La compañía también invierte en energías renovables para desarrollar, a través de alianzas, soluciones tecnológicas punteras. Con estas dos ofertas, Areva, con 45.000 empleados, contribuye al suministro de energía más segura y limpia.


21 años de experiencia y la instalación de más de 31.000 MW en 50 países consolidan a Gamesa como uno de los líderes tecnológicos globales en la industria eólica. Su respuesta integral incluye el diseño, fabricación, instalación y la gestión de servicios de operación y mantenimiento (20.000 MW). Gamesa también es referente mundial en el mercado de la promoción, construcción y venta de parques eólicos, con más de 6.000 MW instalados en todo el mundo.


Offshore wind power: Gamesa and Areva create the joint-venture Adwen

Gamesa and Areva have signed today the final agreements, closing the transaction and creating Adwen, a joint venture dedicated to offshore wind, having 700 employees, 50-50 owned by the two companies and registered in Zamudio, Spain.

The joint-venture is responsible for the design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning and services of offshore wind turbines. Combining both Gamesa and Areva wind expertise and extensive track-record, Adwen is ideally positioned to become a leading player in the offshore wind segment, with a 2.8 GW project pipeline and the objective of garnering a market share of close to 20% in Europe by 2020.

The offshore market represents one of the most promising areas for the development of renewable energies over the next decade, particularly in the coastal countries of northern Europe, where the installed base should reach over 25 GW by 2020. Besides, the experience accumulated by both partners in Asia will enable the company to benefit from the huge offshore wind potential of this region, which could reach 17 GW of installed capacity by 2020.
Adwen is chaired by Louis-François Durret, CEO of Areva Renewable Energies and the Board of Directors is composed of eight members, four appointed by each parent company. The General Manager is Luis Álvarez, Chief Operating Officer of Gamesa’s offshore activities.
Adwen has corporate offices in France, Spain, UK and Germany.
Adwen offers its customers a comprehensive products and services portfolio, providing solutions adapted to project specific requirements with:
  • The Adwen 8MW platform, initiated by Areva and further optimized thanks to Gamesa’s technological expertise, will reach serial production in 2018. With its 1GW project pipeline and an outstanding energy production, the AD 8 MW is set to be a market frontrunner.
  • The Adwen 5MW platform offers two complementary 5 MW turbines available for immediate projects: the AD 5-135 and AD 5-132. The AD 5-135, formerly called M5000-135, is AREVA’s 5MW technology with an installed base of 650 MW which will reach 1GW with Wikinger wind farm installation. The AD 5-132, developed by Gamesa and formerly called G132-5.0 MW Offshore, complements the product portfolio with a competitive turbine.
Adwen will manufacture these turbines in its existing plants in Germany, Bremerhaven and Stade, ideally positioned to equip North Sea and Baltics projects. The company will fulfill industrial commitments engaged by Areva and Gamesa, in France and in UK, comprising the creation of factories in Le Havre and the implementation of a network of suppliers and partners throughout the country.

New York state generated record amount of wind power last week

New York state generated a record amount of wind power the afternoon of March 2, according to the New York Independent System Operator in North Greenbush.

Wind farms across the state reached 1,524 megawatts of output at 1 p.m. on that day. Wind gusts reached 51 mph that day in the Capital Region.
That amount of wind generation is significant, and it accounted for 7 percent of the total demand of 20,894 megawatts on the state’s electrical grid. Each megawatt supplies between 800 and 1,000 homes.
“Wind power continues to grow as a power resource and the NYISO continues to optimize our electric system’s use of renewable power,” said NYISO CEO Stephen Whitley.
The total capacity of wind farms in the state is 1,744 megawatts, which means that the wind turbines in the state were running at roughly 87 percent of total output, which is a very high number.
New York has grown its wind generation greatly over the past 10 years. Back in 2005, wind generation capacity totaled just 48 megawatts.
Developers are proposing another 2,000 megawatts of wind generation that has yet to be built.


Siemens lidera el mercado mundial de energía eólica, Vestas baja, GE crece, Gamesa se mantinene

Siemens ganó a Vestas en el mercado mundial de aerogeneradores, medida por la cuota de mercado de las nuevas instalaciones eólicas conectadas a la red en 2014, según un informe de la industria, pero la brecha entre las tres primeras empresas es pequeño.

MAKE Consulting, una consultora danesa de energías renovables, destaca que las unidades de turbinas eólicas de Siemens y General Electric Co, y el fabricante danés de aerogeneradores Vestas tenían entre 10,8 y 10,1 por ciento cada una de cuota del mercado eólico mundial, mostrando la intensa competencia.
Top de los fabricantes de aerogeneradores en 2014 (Entre paréntesis el puesto en 2013).
Siemens (4)
GE (5)
Vestas (1)
Goldwind (2)
Enercon (3)
United Power (8)
Gamesa (7)
Yang Ming (9)
Envision (12)
XEMC (11)
Fuente: MAKE Consulting
La consultora dijo, sin embargo, que la subida de GE a la segunda posición frente al quinto puesto del año anterior se debió a las turbinas que ya se habían instalado en 2013, pero sólo se conectaron en 2014.
Siemens mientras tanto se está expandiendo rápidamente en la energía eólica marina, un nuevo campo de batalla para los fabricantes de turbinas, ya que producen motores más grandes para ir mar adentro para evitar las quejas de la comunidad local en contra de su instalación.
Siemens representó el 76 por ciento de la nueva capacidad eólica marina instalada año pasado en el mundo y el 88 por ciento en Europa.
En China, uno de los mayores mercados eólicos donde los fabricantes chinos son dominantes, los líderes son Goldwind con sede en Beijing, United Power y Ming Yang.
El informe de MAKE viene por delante de evento de la industria offshore más grande del mundo organizado por Copenhague esta semana y al que asistieron ejecutivos de los principales actores del sector.

Iowa State Engineers Study the Benefits of Adding a Second, Smaller Rotor to Wind Turbines

Hui Hu picked up a 3-D printed model of a typical wind turbine and began explaining two problems with the big, tall, three-bladed machines.
Photo by Christopher Gannon/Iowa State University.
Iowa State aerospace engineers, left to right, Anupam Sharma and Hui Hu are using wind tunnel testing and computational modeling to improve the performance of wind turbines and wind farms.

First, said the Iowa State University professor of aerospace engineering, check out the base of each blade. They’re big, round structural pieces. They’re not shaped like an airfoil. And so they don’t harvest any wind, reducing a turbine’s energy harvest by about 5 percent.
Second, the big blades disturb the wind, creating a wake behind them and reducing the energy harvest of any downwind turbines. Hu said a turbine sitting in the slipstream of another can lose 8 to 40 percent of its energy production, depending on conditions.
Those losses prompted Hu and Anupam Sharma, an Iowa State assistant professor of aerospace engineering, to look for a solution. Their data suggest they’ve found one.
Hu turned back to his wind turbine models: Look at these two, he said. See what we’ve done?
What they’ve done is add a smaller, secondary rotor. One model had three big blades and three mini-blades sprouting from the same hub. The other had a small, secondary rotor mounted in front of the big rotor, the two sets of blades separated by the nacelle that houses the generating machinery on top of the tower.
“To try to solve these problems, we put a small rotor on the turbine,” Hu said. “And we found that with two rotors on the same tower, you get more energy.”
Using lab tests and computer simulations, Hui and Sharma have found those extra blades can increase a wind farm’s energy harvest by 18 percent.
“These are fairly mature technologies we’re talking about – a 10 to 20 percent increase is a large change,” Sharma said.
The Iowa Energy Center awarded Hu and Sharma a one-year, $116,000 grant to launch their study of dual rotors. (The two won the energy center’s 2014 Renewable Energy Impact Award for the rotor project.) The National Science Foundation is supporting continued studies with a three-year, $330,000 grant.
Hu is using experiments in Iowa State’s Aerodynamic/Atmospheric Boundary Layer Wind and Gust Tunnel to study the dual-rotor idea. He’s measuring power outputs and wind loads. He’s also using technologies such as particle image velocimetry to measure and understand the flow physics of air as it passes through and behind a rotating turbine.
How, for example, is the wake distributed? Where are the whirling vortices? How could the wake be manipulated to pull down air and recharge the wind load?
Hu is being assisted by Wei Tian, a postdoctoral research associate, plus Zhenyu Wang and Anand Ozbay, doctoral students.
Sharma is using advanced computer simulations, including high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics analysis and large eddy simulations, to find the best aerodynamic design for a dual-rotor turbine. Where, for example, should the second rotor be located? How big should it be? What kind of airfoil should it have? Should it rotate in the same direction as the main rotor or in the opposite direction?
Sharma is being assisted by two doctoral students, Aaron Rosenberg and Behnam Moghadassian.
Hu said Sharma’s computer modeling will drive the design of the next generation of experimental models he’ll take back to the wind tunnel.
“We hope to get even better performance,” Hu said.
The idea to look for better performance by adding a second rotor to wind turbines came from a previous study. Hu and his research group used wind tunnel tests to see how hills, valleys and the placement of turbines affected the productivity of onshore wind farms.
One thing they learned was that a turbine on flat ground in the wake of another turbine loses a lot of power production. And that presented Hu and his collaborators with another problem to study.
“When we study more, we learn more,” Hu said. “And therefore we find more problems. In research, the most difficult thing is not solving the problem, it’s finding the problem.”

Propone Eólica del Sur crear fideicomiso en Juchitán

Eólica del Sur propuso la creación de un fideicomiso de energía con un fondo de casi 5 millones de pesos para aplicarse a los recibos de energía eléctrica de los habitantes del municipio de Juchitán, en la región del Istmo.

La propuesta fue presentada desde el 3 de marzo durante la etapa informativa de la consulta indígena que se realizó en la Casa de la Cultura y que fue retomada por los integrantes del Comité de Propietarios del polígono del parque eólico ‘Bii Nisa' correspondiente a Energía Eólica del Sur.
Con la propuesta de la empresa se "debe de apoyar, avanzar y concluir favorablemente con la consulta indígena y se pueda iniciar con los trabajos" a fin de aprovechar los beneficios lo más pronto posible.
Entre los puntos enumerados por el comité de propietarios está la propuesta del fideicomiso con una aportación anual de 4 millones 998 mil pesos para aplicarse al pago parcial de energía eléctrica de todos los usuarios residenciales de Juchitán y sus agencias que consumen la tarifa 1C (Doméstica) .
"Esta aportación equivale al 10 por ciento del recibo de luz de los usuarios. Este fideicomiso se creará una vez que transcurra el primer año de operación el proyecto", siempre y cuando "se pueda crear un convenio ente la empresa, el municipio y al CFE, para aplicar el beneficio directamente a la factura de energía eléctrica".
Aunque están obligados a pagar impuestos, según la Ley de Ingresos del municipio aprobada por la Cámara de Diputados y publicada en el Periódico Oficial, la empresa ofreció un pago de al municipio por concepto de licencia de construcción y cambio de usos de suelo por un monto de 27 millones 720 mil pesos.
Especificando que está "sujeto a que la comunidad apruebe la realización del proyecto en el marco de la consulta y se celebre un convenio con el municipio donde se acuerde el monto de dicho pago y que se hará ante notario público."
La empresa también ofreció dar una aportación anual para obras sociales o proyectos productivos, recurso que también están obligados como empresa socialmente responsable y que en otros municipios algunas eólicas aportan, por 3 millones 800 mil pesos, también condicionándolo a la celebración de un un acuerdo con el municipio y la previa aceptación con la comunidad.

Eólica marina: Primer parque eólico de Estados Unidos con aerogeneradores de Alstom

El primer parque eólico marino del EE.UU tendrá aerogeneradores de Alstom. 

El parque eólico de 30 MW está siendo desarrollado por la plataforma Deepwater y se encuentra a tres millas de la costa sur-este de Block Island en Rhode Island.
Se compone de cinco aerogeneradores Alstom Haliade 150-6.0MW, capaces de generar más de 125.000 MWh año - lo suficiente como para abastecer a más de 17.000 hogares.
Mott MacDonald fue asesor técnico de los prestamistas durante la fase de due diligence de Block Island (parque eólico) y ahora está supervisando la construcción como ingeniero independiente en un papel continuo.
Director del proyecto de Mott MacDonald Will Lamond dijo: "Este es un hito y un proyecto histórico para el EE.UU. y ayudará a acelerar el crecimiento en la industria de la energía eólica marina del país en el futuro. Hemos estado involucrados en el proyecto durante los últimos dos años, a partir de la realización de los estudios iniciales bancabilidad de realizar la mayor parte de la financiación de proyectos de diligencia debida ".
Jeffrey Grybowski, director ejecutivo de la plataforma Deepwater Viento, ha añadido: "Mott MacDonald es una ingeniería de clase mundial y la firma de consultoría con experiencia líder en el mercado en el sector offshore. Estamos orgullosos de tenerlos como parte del equipo del parque eólico Block Island y su penetración en este sector complejo ha sido de gran ayuda”.
Se espera que la construcción del parque eólico de Block Island comience este verano para concluir a finales de 2016.

767 MW of concentrated solar power (CSP) came on-line in 2014 in USA


2014 was the largest year ever for concentrating solar power, with 767 MW brought on-line. Notable project completions include the 392 MW Ivanpah project. Genesis Solar project’s second phase of 125 MW and Abengoa’s Mojave Solar (250 MW), which achieved commercial operation in December 2014. As of the end of 2014, cumulative operating PV in the U.S. totaled 18.3 GW and cumulative operating concentrated solar power (CSP)  totaled 1.7 GW.


Applauding a record-breaking year, GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) today released the U.S. Solar Market Insight 2014 Year in Review report, the definitive source of installation data, forecasting and policy analysis for the U.S. solar energy market. 

Applauding a record-breaking year, GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) today released the U.S. Solar Market Insight 2014 Year in Review report, the definitive source of installation data, forecasting and policy analysis for the U.S. solar market. Newly installed solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity for year reached a record 6,201 megawatts* (MW), growing 30 percent over 2013’s total. An additional 767 MW of concentrating solar power (CSP) came on-line in the same period.
Solar accounted for 32 percent of the nation’s new generating capacity in 2014, beating out both wind energy and coal for the second year in a row. Only natural gas constituted a greater share of new generating capacity.
In 2014, for the first time in history, each of the three major U.S. market segments – utility, commercial and residential – installed more than a gigawatt (GW) of PV.
The U.S. utility-scale segment broke the GW mark in 2011 and has since grown by nearly 1 GW annually. In 2014, 3.9 GW of utility-scale PV projects came on-line with another 14 GW of projects currently under contract.
The commercial segment in the U.S. also first installed more than 1 GW in 2011 but has not shared the same success as the utility-scale segment. In 2014, the commercial segment installed just over 1 GW, down 6 percent from 2013. The report notes, “Many factors have contributed to this trend, ranging from tight economics to difficulty financing small commercial installations.” But GTM Research expects 2015 to be a bounce-back year for the commercial segment, highlighted by a resurgence in California.
The U.S. residential segment’s 1.2 GW in 2014 marks its first time surpassing 1 GW.. Residential continues to be the fastest-growing market segment in the U.S., with 2014 marking three consecutive years of greater than 50 percent annual growth.
“Without question, the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) has helped to fuel our industry’s remarkable growth. Today the U.S. solar industry has more employees than tech giants Google, Apple, Facebook and Twitter combined,” said Rhone Resch, SEIA president and CEO. “Since the ITC was passed in 2006, more than 150,000 solar jobs have been created in America, and $66 billion has been invested in solar installations nationwide. We now have 20 gigawatts (GW) of installed solar capacity – enough to power 4 million U.S. homes – and we’re helping to reduce harmful carbon emissions by 20 million metric tons a year. By any measurement, the ITC has been a huge success for both our economy and environment.”
GTM Research forecasts the U.S. PV market to grow 31 percent in 2015. The utility segment is expected to account for 59 percent of the forecasted 8.1 GW of PV.
"Solar PV was a $13.4 billion market in the U.S. in 2014, up from just $3 billion in 2009," said Shayle Kann, Senior Vice President at GTM Research. "And this growth should continue throughout 2015 thanks to falling solar costs, business model innovation, an attractive political and regulatory environment and increased availability of low-cost capital."
Additional key findings:
  • The U.S. installed 6,201 MW of solar PV in 2014, up 30 percent over 2013, making 2014 the largest year ever in terms of PV installations.
  • Solar provided roughly one third of all new electric generating capacity in the U.S. in 2014.
  • More than one third of all cumulative operating PV capacity in the U.S. came on-line in 2014.
  • By the end of 2014, 20 states eclipsed the 100 MW mark for cumulative operating solar PV installations, and California alone is home to 8.7 GW.
  • For the first time ever, more than half a gigawatt of residential solar installations came on line without any state incentive in 2014.
  • Growth remains driven primarily by the utility solar PV market, which installed 1.5 GW in Q4 2014, the largest quarterly total ever for any market segment.
  • PV installations are forecast to reach 8.1 GW in 2015, up 59% over 2014.
  • 2014 was the largest year ever for concentrating solar power, with 767 MW brought on-line. Notable project completions include the 392 MW Ivanpah project. Genesis Solar project’s second phase of 125 MW and Abengoa’s Mojave Solar (250 MW), which achieved commercial operation in December 2014.
  • All solar projects completed in 2014 represent $17.8 billion in investment ($13.4 billion in PV and $4.4 billion in CSP).
  • As of the end of 2014, cumulative operating PV in the U.S. totaled 18.3 GW and cumulative operating CSP totaled 1.7 GW.
*Unless specified otherwise, all PV is reported in MW direct current (MWdc) based on array size and all CSP is reported in MW alternating current (MWac) based on power block size. For more information, see http://www.seia.org/policy/solar-technology/photovoltaic-solar-electric/whats-megawatt
The U.S. Solar Market Insight report is the most detailed and timely research available on the continuing growth and opportunity in the U.S. The report includes deep analysis of solar markets, technologies and pricing, identifying the key metrics that will help solar decision-makers navigate the market's current and forecasted trajectory. For more information, visit http://www.greentechmedia.com/research/ussmi
GTM Research, a division of Greentech Media, provides critical and timely market analysis in the form of research reports, data services, advisory services and strategic consulting. GTM Research's analysis also underpins Greentech Media's webinars and live events. Our coverage spans the green energy industry including solar power, grid modernization, energy storage, energy efficiency and wind power sectors.
Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2014, the Solar Energy Industries Association® is the national trade association of the U.S. solar energy industry. Through advocacy and education, SEIA® is building a strong solar industry to power America. As the voice of the industry, SEIA works with its 1,000 member companies to champion the use of clean, affordable solar in America by expanding markets, removing market barriers, strengthening the industry and educating the public on the benefits of solar energy. Visit SEIA online at http://www.seia.org.


termosolar, Concentrated Solar Power, Concentrating Solar Power, CSP, Concentrated Solar Thermal Power, solar power, solar energy, U.S.,








Eólica en Sudáfrica: Siemens suministrará 157 aerogeneradores para tres parques eólicos

Los tres parques eólicos cuentan con una capacidad de generación combinada de 360 MW.
Siemens, compañía global líder en tecnología, ha logrado otro gran contrato de energía eólica en Sudáfrica con un pedido de 157 aerogeneradores para tres proyectos en Provincia Septentrional del Cabo. 

Los parques eólicos de Khobab, Loeriesfontein 2 y Noupoort serán el destino de las turbinas de 2,3 megavatios (MW) de la plataforma G2 de Siemens. El cliente, un consorcio liderado por Mainstream Renewable Power, acaba de poner en marcha el parque eólico de Jeffrey’s Bay Wind a mediados del año pasado, también con la colaboración de Siemens Wind Power. El nuevo contrato incluye un acuerdo de servicio y mantenimiento durante un periodo de 10 años.
Mehr Leistung: Neue Siemens D3 Windturbinen bündeln jahrelange Erfahrungen / Uprated Siemens D3 wind turbine implements sum of design and operational experiences
Los parques eólicos Khobab y Loeriesfontein 2, de 140 MW cada uno, están ubicados en el distrito municipal de Namakwa, mientras que el parque eólico Noupoort, de 80 MW, se halla en el municipio local de Umsobomvu, 400 km al norte de Port Elizabeth. Todos los proyectos estarán equipados con el aerogenerador SWT-2.3-108 de Siemens, dotado de un rotor de 108 metros de diámetro y torres con una altura de buje de 99,5 metros. La instalación de las turbinas empezará en agosto de 2015. La puesta en marcha de los tres proyectos está prevista para principios de 2016 y se prolongará hasta finales de 2017. Las torres se fabricarán principalmente en Sudáfrica.
21 Windturbinen für den Windpark Alexander in Kansas / 21 wind turbines for Alexander wind project in Kansas
"Nos complace trabajar de nuevo como socios en grandes proyectos con Mainstream Renewable Power", afirma Markus Tacke, Director General de la división Siemens Wind Power and Renewables. "Este pedido es una clara muestra de que, con su programa de adquisición de productores independientes de energía renovable (REIPPP), Sudáfrica está alineándose con el objetivo definido por los gobiernos de instalar 3.725 megavatios de capacidad de energía renovable".
La energía eólica y los servicios de energía forman parte de la cartera medioambiental de Siemens. Alrededor del 46 % de sus ingresos totales provienen de los productos y soluciones "verdes". Esto hace de Siemens uno de los principales proveedores del mundo de tecnología respetuosa con el medio ambiente.
Siemens es un grupo tecnológico líder a nivel mundial que desde hace más de 165 años es sinónimo de excelencia tecnológica, innovación, calidad, fiabilidad e internacionalización. La empresa está presente en más de 200 países, principalmente en los campos de la electrificación, la automatización y la digitalización. Siemens es uno de los mayores proveedores mundiales de tecnologías eficientes en cuanto al consumo de energía y de recursos. Es pionera en soluciones de automatización y de software para la industria y las infraestructuras, además de proveedor líder de turbinas de gas y vapor para la generación de energía, así como de soluciones para su transporte.


Alstom will highlight its progress in serving the Offshore Wind Power Market during EWEA event in Copenhagen

Alstom will participate to the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) annual event to be held on 10-12 March 2015 in Copenhagen (Hall E).  The company will explain how its offshore wind technology business is rapidly expanding in order to meet today’s sustainable energy needs, demonstrating its ability to play a major role in the Offshore Wind industry.

Alstom will be present at EWEA Offshore with its 6-MW Haliade™ 150, the first in the next generation of large-sized offshore turbines, designed to withstand the toughest conditions at sea. The Haliade™ 150-6MW produced its first KWh in September 2014 and was recently certified by DNV-GL. It produces enough power to meet the needs of over 5,000 European households and to save more than 21,000 tonnes of CO2 every year.
Alstom is carrying out several Offshore Wind projects, including Block Island, the first Offshore Wind farm in the US. The Block Island project, which is being developed by Deepwater Wind, has recently closed its financing,
“This is a major milestone that will enable the project to start next summer with the installation of the electrical infrastructure and the foundations. Deepwater Wind is the only US Offshore Wind company to reach this critical milestone”, said Anders Soe-Jensen, Vice-President Offshore Wind for Alstom.
“Alstom Wind is committed to be a leading contributor to the reduction of Offshore LCOE, not only in Europe but also in North America where it will start building the first commercial offshore project in 2015”, said Yves Rannou, Senior Vice President Wind for Alstom.
Alstom is strengthening its industrial footprint with the Saint-Nazaire facility inaugurated in December, 2014 in France. Those plants will manufacture nacelles and generators for the Haliade™ 150-6MW turbines. Ultimately, the Saint-Nazaire plants will employ about 300 workers. The plants have been sized to each produce up to 100 machines every year. They will be fully operational in early 2015.
Alstom also draws on its R&D Centres located in Nantes, Barcelona and Hamburg, employing in total more than 1,500 people to develop its innovative Offshore Wind solutions.With over 30 years of experience in wind power, Alstom provides global energy solutions, from developing, designing and setting up wind farms to supplying and maintaining wind turbines. To date, Alstom has installed more than 3,500 wind turbines in 280 wind farms around the world representing 6,5 GW of total capacity. Alstom’s wind business headquarters and its R&D global centre are based in Barcelona.


Enel Green Power (EGP) has begun construction on three plants in South Africa

Enel Green Power (EGP) has begun construction on three photovoltaic plants (Aurora, Paleisheuwel, Tom Burke) in South Africa.

With an installed capacity of 82.5 MW, the Aurora photovoltaic plant, located in the Northern Cape Province, will be capable of generating more than 168 GWh per year once up and running. This output corresponds to the annual energy needs of around 53 thousand South African households and allows to avoid the emission of over 153 thousand tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

The Paleisheuwel photovoltaic plant will have an installed capacity of 82.5 MW and will be built in the Western Cape Province. Once fully operational, it will be able to generate more than 153 GWh per year, equivalent to the energy needs of around 48 thousand South African households, thereby avoiding the emission of more than 140 thousand tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

With an installed capacity of 66 MW, the Tom Burke photovoltaic plant, located in the Limpopo Province, will be capable of generating up to 122 GWh per year once up and running. This output is equivalent to the energy needs of around 38 thousand South African households and allows to avoid the emission of over 111 thousand tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

The energy generated by these new power plants will be sold to South African utility Eskom as a result of  the power supply agreements EGP has been entitled to enter into with the utility. EGP was awarded this right in the third phase of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) tender  held by the South African government in October 2013. In the same tender, in addition to the three above mentioned projects, Enel Green Power was also awarded the right to build the 82.5 MW Pulida photovoltaic park,  the 111 MW Gibson Bay wind farm and the 88 MW Cookhouse/ Nojoli wind farm. Construction of all these projects is in line with the growth targets set out in Enel Green Power’s 2014-2018 business plan.

In South Africa, Enel Green Power owns and operates the Upington solar power plant, with an installed capacity of 10 MW.

Enel Green Power is the Enel Group company fully dedicated to the development and management of renewable energy sources at the international level, with operations in Europe, the Americas and Africa. With an annual generation capacity equal to, approximately, 32 billion kWh from water, sun, wind and the Earth’s heat - enough to meet the energy needs of more than 10 million households, Enel Green Power is a world leader in the sector thanks to its well-balanced generation mix, providing generation volumes well over the sector average. As of today, the company has an installed capacity of approximately 9,600 MW from a mix of sources including wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal and biomass. The company has about 740 plants operating in 15 countries. 


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