Channel: José Santamarta Flórez
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California saw three concentrated solar power plants come fully online in 2014

California has cemented its place as America's solar leader, according to the recently-released U.S. Solar Market Insight 2014 Year in Review, and stands poised to become the first state in the nation to have 10 gigawatts (GW) of installed solar capacity – enough to power nearly 2.5 million homes. 

California saw three concentrated solar power plants come fully online in 2014: the Genesis project in Riverside County and the Ivanpah and Mojave projects in San Bernardino County, collectively accounting for another 767 megawatts of new generating capacity. Instead of traditional solar panels, concentrated solar projects use sunlight to heat water or another liquid, ultimately creating steam that can be used to turn turbines and generate electricity.
In 2014, California added 4,316 megawatts (MW) of solar electric capacity, bringing its total to 9,977 MW – just 23 MW short of cracking the 10 GW barrier. The report went on to point out that California had big increases last year across all solar sectors. Of the new capacity added, 615 MW were residential, 307 MW were commercial and 3,395 MW were utility scale. Together, these installations represented an $11.7 billion investment in the state.
"When it comes to creating clean energy jobs and protecting the environment, California is leading by example," said Rhone Resch, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). "To put the state's remarkable progress in some context, today California has 10 times more installed solar capacity than the entire nation had in 2007. We congratulate Gov. Brown, his administration, legislative leaders and the people of California for being the ‘little engine that could' and demonstrating to America the viability, as well as the reliability, of clean, affordable solar energy."

California's notable 2014 projects include:

· Desert Sunlight, which was recently completed by developer First Solar. This photovoltaic (PV) project has the capacity to generate 550 MW of electricity – enough to power more than 160,000 California homes.

· At 250 MW, Mojave Solar is also among the largest solar installations in California. Completed in 2014 by Abengoa Solar, this concentrating solar power (CSP) project has enough electric capacity to power more than 61,000 homes.

· Many large retailers in California also installed solar installations last year, including Walgreens, Johnson & Johnson, Walmart and IKEA.

· Campbell's Soup installed one of the largest corporate PV systems in the state with 2,300 kilowatts (kW) of solar capacity at their location in Sacramento.

The residential market also continued to flourish last year, with installed system prices dropping again – and down a total of 49 percent since 2010. The upswing in residential installations is expected to continue in the foreseeable future, especially in light of a new report by the California Energy Commission, which shows that more than a quarter of all new homes being built in Southern California are being constructed with solar energy systems. Presently, there are more than 2,000 solar companies at work throughout the value chain in California, employing 54,700 people. These companies provide a wide variety of solar products and services ranging from solar system installations to the manufacturing of components used in PV panels.

From an environmental perspective, solar installations in California are helping to offset more than 11.7 million metric tons of harmful carbon emissions, which is the equivalent of removing 2.5 million cars off state roads and highways.

"Today, the U.S. solar industry employs 174,000 Americans nationwide – more than tech giants Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter combined – and pumps nearly $18 billion a year into our economy," Resch added. "This remarkable growth is due, in large part, to smart and effective public policies, such as the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), Net Energy Metering (NEM) and Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). By any measurement, these policies are paying huge dividends for both the economy and environment."


Vietnam starts 120 MW wind farm in Central Highlands

Vestas Wind Systems A/S, the world’s biggest wind-turbine maker, has signed a deal with Ho Chi Minh City-based Phu Cuong Co. to develop a 170-megawatt wind farm in the Mekong Delta province of Soc Trang. The $436-million project is expected to begin construction in 2016 and start generating power the following year, according to the Saigon Times.

Vietnam began constructing a 120-megawatt wind farm with a total investment of 6 trillion dong ($281 million) in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak.
HBRE Wind Power Solution Co. will build the project in three phases through 2020, Chairman Ho Ta Tin said on Friday. The Ho Chi Minh City-based company is expected to be able to produce 400 million kilowatt-hour a year, equal to the demand of 200,000 households.
General Electric Co. will provide the project’s 60 turbines, Tin said on March 13. The first phase, which uses 14 two-megawatt turbines, would start generating electricity next year.
Vietnam aims to produce 1,000 megawatts of wind energy by 2020, equivalent to 1.5 percent of its total power production. The nation runs three wind farms, all in the southern part of the country, with a combined capacity of 52 megawatts, and 45 registered wind power projects with combined capacity of 4,822 megawatts, Saigon Times newspaper reported in September, citing ministry officials.

Eólica en Almería: mantenimiento de parques eólicos de Saeta Yield

Siemens, Cobra y Saeta Yield ponen en marcha un Plan de Actuación en caso de Emergencia para formar a los operarios del parque eólico Tìjola, Almería.

Saeta Yield, filial de energías renovables de ACS, salió a Bolsa el pasado 16 de febrero y ha sido la primera “yieldco” cotizada de Europa. Se trata de empresas con activos que tienen ingresos recurrentes y predecibles y que permiten dar dividendos de forma sistemática. La cartera de activos está formada por 16 parques eólicos ubicados en España, que suman una potencia de 539 MW, y tres plantas termosolares, también en el mercado doméstico, que suman 150 MW más.
Siemens, compañía global líder en tecnología y Cobra, multinacional española con más de 15 años de experiencia en el desarrollo de proyectos de energía, vuelven a unirse para dar formación al personal que trabaja en el mantenimiento del parque eólico de Tijola, en Almería, a través del Plan de Actuación en caso de Emergencia (o Plan de Autoprotección) establecido por la propiedad del parque, Al-Andalus Wind Power, sociedad de Saeta Yield.
El parque eólico de Tijola, que gestiona Saeta Yield, dispone de 16 turbinas eólicas Siemens y produce anualmente 75.000 MWh capaces de abastecer a 10.000 hogares, el equivalente a una población de 40.000 habitantes.
Siemens y Cobra tienen un acuerdo marco para el mantenimiento a largo plazo de los parques eólicos de Al Andalus Wind Power ubicados en Almería y Cádiz: Tijola, La Noguera, Las Vegas y Los Isletes.
Dada la prioridad de la actitud preventiva del parque respecto a cualquier rentabilidad económica, una turbina permanecerá inoperativa durante las dos jornadas de trabajo que los operarios destinarán a su formación.
Un plan de formación continuada
Para prevenir cualquier riesgo de accidente, es muy importante que los técnicos no solo sepan operar las turbinas, sino también mantenerlas  y cumplir con todas las medidas preventivas. Por ello, Siemens y Cobra realizan de forma conjunta la actividad de Operación y Mantenimiento (O&M) para garantizar el mayor nivel de seguridad en parques eólicos.
A través del Plan de Autoprotección, ambas compañías han instruido, un año más, al equipo de Tíjola en nociones elementales –como el modo de uso del kit de rescate en situaciones de salvamento-, pasando por el modus operandi de evacuación de heridos, primeros auxilios y hasta técnicas complejas que permiten descolgar del aerogenerador a una persona en estado de inconsciencia o rescatar a un herido en helicóptero.
El Plan de Actuación en caso de Emergencia dota al parque de medidas diarias como los Equipos de Protección Individual (EPIs) o las charla ‘pre-tarea’ (también llamadas ‘take-5’), un método que analiza las posibles amenazas a las que podría exponerse un técnico en función de la labor a desarrollar en cada jornada concreta. Esto permite formar a los operarios  para trabajos en alturas y brinda una serie de instrucciones de trabajo, donde se detallan los equipos, materiales y formación específica para cada  función.
El plan de Autoprotección está dirigido por Ángel Calero, gerente del PPEE por parte  Saeta, siendo el supervisor de Cobra quien asume la jefatura de Emergencia, por lo que es responsable de organizar los recursos y evacuar el parque de forma segura para todos los trabajadores, en ausencia del director del Plan. El resto de técnicos constituyen los equipos de intervención y alarma.
Las labores de prevención son apoyadas por un supervisor de Cobra, quien periódicamente es respaldado por el jefe de área de Cobra, el técnico PRL y el propio Gerente de Saeta.
Puesta en práctica en el lugar de trabajo
Los técnicos de los parques eólicos afrontan diariamente amenazas muy definidas, como por ejemplo la altura o el riesgo eléctrico, por lo que la formación del equipo de mantenimiento tiene que incluir su capacidad y preparación para evacuar el parque, ante cualquier  problema y de un modo seguro.
Además de las nociones teóricas que brindan al equipo humano conocimientos necesarios para su día a día, el Plan de Actuación en Caso de Emergencias incluye un simulacro de evacuación para todo su personal, a través del que se han puesto en práctica protocolos de seguridad que abarcan desde el rescate de víctimas en aerogeneradores hasta la asistencia a los propios equipos de auxilio. Entre otras cuestiones, la formación capacita a los operarios a abandonar el parque, desde 85 metros de altura, en tan solo 10 minutos.
Además, el simulacro permite formar a los técnicos en la gestión de una situación de accidente grave que implique un atrapamiento, un rescate o una inmovilización como medida de precaución. Para este tipo de accidentes graves, el Plan advierte de la necesidad de avisar a los servicios de emergencia y los técnicos deben organizarse para que el herido esté en todo momento acompañado y acortar los tiempos al máximo.
Todos los trabajadores, tanto fijos como eventuales, se han adherido a esta iniciativa, con el objetivo de entrenarse, detectar posibles  disconformidades con el plan de autoprotección, medir los tiempos y buscar vías de mejora.
“Zero Harm”
Este plan de formación forma parte de la cultura global ‘Zero Harm’ (‘cero incidentes’)de Siemens y Cobra. Las compañías fomentan una actitud preventiva del riesgo mediante la implicación de sus plantillas, para que sean capaces de identificar cualquier tipo de peligro y reportarlo inmediatamente, gracias a una formación exhaustiva y continuada en esta materia. Siemens ha trabajado, una vez más, de la mano de Cobra, para el cumplimento de los más altos estándares de seguridad.
Como parte esta política corporativa, Siemens simula anualmente el rescate de un herido desde distintos puntos de la góndola de un aerogenerador, situada en el núcleo de estos aerogeneradores.
Siemens en España tiene alrededor de 3.400 empleados en nuestro país (excluyendo las empresas participadas al 50%) y que en el ejercicio fiscal 2013 facturó 1.066 millones de euros. La compañía cuenta en España con centros de competencia mundial en los que innova, fabrica y exporta como Cornellà (material ferroviario), Getafe (equipos de radiodiagnóstico portátiles) o Rubí (material eléctrico).


Emisiones de CO2 estables en 2014

Las emisiones mundiales de dióxido de carbono (CO2) del sector energético se mantuvieron estables el año pasado, en momentos en que la economía mundial crecía, indicó el viernes la Agencia Internacional de la Energía (AIE), que calificó esta noticia de "buena sorpresa".

Según datos provisorios de la agencia, "las emisiones mundiales de dióxido de carbono alcanzaron los 32.300 millones de toneladas en 2014, estables con respecto al año anterior", gracias al desarrollo de las energías renovables y a una mejor eficacia energética.
"Por primera vez en 40 años hay una pausa o un descenso de las emisiones de gas de efecto invernadero que no tiene relación con una recesión económica", subrayó en un comunicado el brazo energético de la OCDE.
"Es una muy buena sorpresa (...) Por primera vez se han disociado las emisiones de gas con efecto invernadero del crecimiento económico", estimó el economista jefe de la AIE, Fatih Birol.
Estos datos "alentadores" no tienen que servir de "excusa para no hacer nada", advirtió la directora ejecutiva de la AIE, Maria van der Hoeven.
Las emisiones de CO2 sólo se mantuvieron estables o bajaron en tres oportunidades en los últimos 40 años: a principios de los años 1980, en 1992 y en 2009, durante períodos de crisis económica, indica la AIE.
La AIE publicará los datos definitivos y detallados sobre este tema el 15 de junio, en un informe sobre la energía y el clima.


Abengoa financia su termosolar Xina Solar One

Abengoa cierra la financiación de 660 millones de dólares para Xina Solar One, su central termosolar de 100 MW en Sudáfrica.

Abengoa, compañía internacional de energías renovables, ha anunciado hoy que, junto con sus socios Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), el fondo de pensiones de empleados del gobierno representado por Public Investment Corporation (PIC) y KaXu Community Trust, ha cerrado la financiación del proyecto termosolar Xina Solar One.
La financiación sin recurso, por importe de 660 millones de dólares, ha sido suscrita con instituciones financieras de desarrollo como African Development Bank, International Finance Corporation, IDC, y Development Bank of Southern Africa; y de bancos de inversión locales como ABSA, miembro del grupo Barclays, Nedbank y Rand Merchant Bank, una división de FirstRand Bank Limited. Xina Solar One suministrará electricidad limpia a Eskom, la compañía eléctrica de Sudáfrica, en base a un contrato de compraventa de energía de 20 años firmado a finales de 2014.
Esta financiación se utilizará para la construcción de Xina Solar One, central termosolar de 100 MW con tecnología cilindroparabólica, que incorpora un sistema de almacenamiento térmico de energía con sales fundidas que le permitirá contribuir a satisfacer los picos de demanda eléctrica que se registran por la tarde. La planta producirá energía limpia y gestionable capaz de abastecer a más de 95.000 hogares al año y evitará la emisión anual a la atmósfera de 348.000 toneladas de CO2.
Con una inversión total aproximada de 880 millones de dólares, la construcción de Xina Solar One comenzó en 2014. La creación de empleo alcanzará un pico de más de 1.300 puestos durante la construcción y generará 45 puestos para la operación y mantenimiento.
La propiedad de Xina Solar One pertenecerá a un consorcio, del cual Abengoa controla el 40 %. El resto de integrantes del mismo son IDC, PIC y KaXu Community Trust.
Xina Solar One se ubicará cerca de Pofadder, en la provincia de Northern Cape, próxima a KaXu Solar One, la primera planta termosolar en operación comercial de Sudáfrica. Juntas, estas dos plantas de 100 MW formarán la mayor plataforma solar del África subsahariana, ayudando a Sudáfrica a satisfacer su continua demanda de energía y suministrando electricidad limpia, de forma estable.
Estos dos proyectos, junto con Khi Solar One (50 MW), en avanzado estado de construcción, fueron adjudicados por el Ministerio de Energía de Sudáfrica como parte de su programa Independent Power Producer Program, integrado en la estrategia del Gobierno sudafricano para incorporar 17.800 MW a través de energías renovables hasta 2030 y reducir su dependencia de los combustibles fósiles.
A través de su negocio solar, Abengoa ofrece tecnologías propias (termosolar y fotovoltaica), innova en el desarrollo de la tecnología solar, promociona y opera plantas termosolares. Actualmente, Abengoa cuenta con una capacidad instalada de 1.603 MW en operación comercial, 360 MW en construcción y 320 MW en desarrollo, distribuidos en 32 plantas en todo el mundo.



Abengoa closes USD 660 million project financing for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Xina Solar One

Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Xina Solar One will help South Africa meet its ongoing energy demands and contribute to grid stability by serving clean and dispatchable electricity. 

Abengoa (MCE: ABG.B/P SM /NASDAQ: ABGB), the international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the energy and environmental sectors, announced today that it has, with its partners the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), the Government Employees Pension Fund represented by the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) and Kaxu Community Trust, closed the non-recourse project financing for Xina Solar One.
The USD 660 million non-recourse project financing agreements combine financing from development financial institutions such as the African Development Bank, the International Finance Corporation, Industrial Development Corporation and the Development Bank of Southern Africa; and local investment banks such as Absa member of Barclays, Nedbank and Rand Merchant Bank, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited. Xina Solar One will supply clean electricity to Eskom, South Africa's power utility, under the 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) signed in late 2014.
Loan proceeds will be used for the construction of the 100 MW solar thermal electricity (STE) power plant Xina Solar One. It features parabolic trough technology with a five-hour thermal energy storage system using molten salts that assists in meeting the evening peak demand. This plant will produce clean and dispatchable energy to serve more than 95,000 households and will prevent the emission of 348,000 tons of CO2 per year.
With a total investment of approximately USD 880 million, construction of Xina Solar One started in 2014. Job creation will peak at over 1,300 positions during the construction phase, generating 45 permanent jobs for plant operation and maintenance.
Xina Solar One will belong to a consortium, 40 % of which is controlled by Abengoa. Other members of the consortium are IDC, PIC, and KaXu Community Trust.
Xina Solar One will be located close to Pofadder, in the Northern Cape Province, next to KaXu Solar One, the first STE power plant in commercial operation in South Africa. These two 100 MW plants will jointly shape the largest solar platform in sub-Saharan Africa, helping South Africa meet its ongoing energy demands and serving clean and reliable electricity.
These two projects, along with Khi Solar One (50 MW), under advanced stage of construction, were awarded by the Department of Energy of South Africa under its world class Independent Power Producer Program, integrated in its strategy to introduce up to 17,800 MW of renewable energy by 2030 and reduce its dependence on fossil fuel.
Abengoa offers proven proprietary solar technologies (solar thermal and photovoltaic), innovating in the development of solar technology and, developing and operating solar plants. The company currently has a total installed capacity of 1,603 MW in commercial operation, 360 MW under construction and 320 MW in the pre-construction phase, distributed in 32 plants worldwide.


Brazil taps into solar energy

Brazil is also facing energy issues as electricity prices continue to rise. But the Brazilians are now turning to an power source that’s been around for four and a half billion years: It’s the sun. And thanks to rapid advances in solar panel technology, the country’s future in energy is looking a bit brighter. 

There is no lack of solar energy in a tropical country like Brazil though installing these panels to turn it into electricity is relatively expensive. But now, with recent hikes in electricity costs brought on by the country’s historic drought – solar power is getting a second look – as a cost-effective option.
Brazil is planning to reduce taxes for solar panels in an attempt to promote wider use of rooftop power systems.
The federal government will lower profit participation contributions and social security taxes, known respectively as PIS and Cofins, for solar equipment used by residential consumers, Energy Minister Eduardo Braga said Wednesday. The government will also ask states to reduce the goods flow tax, known as ICMS, on the energy generated.
“The state of Sao Paulo endorsed our proposal and is leading a process that is a milestone for Brazilian solar generation,” Braga said in a speech to Congress. “Tax exemption will enable this source to be competitive.” He didn’t say how much the taxes might be reduced. 
Brazil is seeking to offer incentives for so-called distributed generation, smaller systems that are installed close to where the energy is consumed. The move comes as the country faces a growing risk of water rationing after the biggest drought in eight decades curbed the country’s hydroelectric generation capacity. Banco Santander Brasil SA said in a Feb. 4 report that the risk of rationing is “high” and may shave as much as 2 percentage points off Brazil’s economic growth. 

Dow signs largest US industrial wind power PPA

Dow has signed a long-term agreement with a new wind farm being developed by a subsidiary of Bordas Wind Energy, a joint venture between MAP and Enerverse in South Texas.

The wind farm will be completed in first quarter 2016, supplying Dow’s Freeport Texas Manufacturing facility with 200 MW of wind power annually. The produced power will be sufficient to power more than 55,000 homes.
Dow is the first company in the U.S. to power a manufacturing site with massive scale renewable energy and will become the third largest corporate purchaser of wind energy in the United States.
According to company sources, adding large scale renewable energy to the company’s manufacturing process is a smart move to secure a future of sustainability, growth, and long-term competitive advantage.
Besides, this decision will also serve as a systemic hedge against both energy and power price volatility, while improving the overall carbon footprint.
This new wind deal results from Dow’s long-term COAT vision and strategy as outlined in the Dow Energy Plan.
The plan vision includes four major strategic points such as preserve by aggressively pursuing energy efficiency and conservation, optimize, increase and diversify domestic hydrocarbon resources, accelerate the development of cost effective clean energy alternatives and transition to a Sustainable Energy Future.
Recently, the Dow and Project Lead The Way (PLTW) announced a partnership to increase K-12 students’ access to high-quality science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education programs.
Through a $400,000 commitment, Dow will fund PLTW programs in 17 schools in Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, enrolling more than 14,000 students, and about half of these students are minority students.
As one of the largest industrial energy consumers in the world, Dow has constantly been on the forefront of new energy technology improvements.
Dow is on track to meet its 400 MW of clean power by 2025 renewable energy goal by reducing carbon footprint as part of its Sustainability Goal commitments.

Roatán contará a fin de año con su propio parque de energía eólica

El proyecto eólico con 26 aerogeneradores, denominado Tradewind, estará listo para iniciar operaciones en diciembre.

Para diciembre de este año se espera que entre en operación el parque eólico que se construye en Roatán, a dos kilómetros del aeropuerto Juan Manuel Gálvez.

Mathew Harper, director de operaciones de Roatán Electric Company (Reco), explica que el proyecto está avanzado en un 50% y la empresa espera que para fin de año el parque se encuentre operativo al 80% de su capacidad, completando el 20% restante a comienzos de 2016.

El parque contará con 26 turbinas eólicas con capacidad de 150 kilovatios cada una, por lo que la generación total del parque eólico será de 3,9 megavatios.

La entrada en funcionamiento del parque, denominado Ocean View Wind Farm, permitirá reducir los costos de generación en al menos 20%, reducción que de acuerdo con Harper, Reco transmitirá dichas rebajas a sus clientes, que incluye a los hoteles, lo que impulsará el turismo. 

Nissan, Endesa to tap V2G (vehicle to grid) technology from electric vehicles for use in homes

V2G (vehicle to grid) technology allows both a supply of energy to an electric vehicle and the use of the energy stored in the vehicle for home consumption or for sale onto the grid (in countries where the appropriate regulation is in place). Endesa and Nissan will also work together in other areas such as in the second useful life of electric vehicle batteries, as well as the design of innovative offerings for individual customers and companies.
 From left to right: Francisco Carranza, Director of development of new projects; Javier Redondo, Director Electric Mobility Project in Spain; Marco Toro, Managing Director of Nissan Iberia; José Bogas, CEO of Endesa; Javier Uriarte, General Manager of Market Iberia; Carlos Gómez Múgica, Director of Innovation at Enel Group.

Endesa and Nissan have today announced an agreement to give renewed impetus to electric mobility in Europe. The two companies have joined forces to launch onto the European market a commercially viable system of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure which allows a bidirectional power flow (V2G, Vehicle to Grid). V2G technology allows for an electric vehicle to be charged and used for its primary automotive purpose; while also offering consumers the flexibility to supply energy to their homes or even sell the unused energy onto the grid system (in countries where such a mechanism exists). Endesa and Nissan’s joint announcement paves the way for the two companies to work together so that today’s technological reality can become a commercial reality.
The proposal for cooperation is on a bidirectional charger from Endesa that may be activated in situ or from an external energy management system. An addition benefit of this system is the integration of energy generation not connected to the grid, such as solar panels and wind turbines, in countries where the appropriate regulation is in place. Thanks to this system, a 100% electric model, such as Nissan LEAF or e-NV200, or another model compatible with version 2.0 of CHAdeMO (Quick Charging Of Electric Vehicles) can be charged in low-demand periods, benefitting from cheaper electricity tariffs. The option then exists to use the energy stored in the vehicle battery at home when electricity costs from the grid are higher, or alternatively to feed the energy back to the grid (in countries where regulations allow it).
Considering that electric vehicles have a capacity ranging from 10 to 100 kWh and spend more than 90% of their lives parked, systems such as V2G could play a significant role in the transformation of energy systems.
“Thanks to this technology, electric vehicles will become a fully integrated part of the electric system, adding new storage capacity and utilizing that capacity in the new and innovative ways, for purposes other than mobility”, José Bogas, CEO of Endesa, said.
“Through this agreement we will continue to join forces to expand the 100% electric vehicle and make it become a majority in Spanish roads. We also state that zero-emission technologies not only provide significant environmental benefits, but also involve a source of significant savings”, Marco Toro, CEO Nissan Iberia said.  Electricity is one of the very few types of energy that cannot be stored on a large scale. Therefore, the energy generated must be consumed or it will be lost, meaning that much of the electricity generated at night in wind farms for instance (when they are usually more active) cannot be used. However, with the integration through V2G technology of electric mobility, all this energy might be used to charge electric vehicles at night, making the system much more efficient. The new possibility that opens up with innovative systems such as that developed by Endesa, and with electric vehicles such as those from Nissan, will further balance production and consumption.
The agreement therefore represents a major step forward for the development of smart cities, which need tools to optimize production and distribution, better balancing supply and demand between manufacturers and consumers.
This agreement, which was signed at the Geneva International Motor Show, includes other joint action areas:
  • Study of the possible re-use of electric vehicle batteries (second useful life) so that, once their function in an electric vehicle ends, they can continue to be used for less intensive purposes before they are recycled –for instance, energy storage.
  • Design and evaluation of innovative offerings of electric energy and mobility packages both for the residential segment (B2C) and for companies (B2B).
Development of electric mobility in the Enel Group
For Enel and Endesa, the drive of electric mobility is a cornerstone in their future strategy and also a commitment for the sustainable development of its business. The group is currently developing innovative solutions for electric mobility and is also involved in major international projects to promote the diffusion of electric mobility in the countries where it operates, in particular Europe and Latin America. Today, the Enel group is one the most important operators of the charging infrastructure in Europe, with over 1,600 charging points, established mainly in Italy and through its Endesa subsidiary in Spain. It also has the real-time electric mobility management (EMM) platform, though which the charging points of the group are connected to those of other operators in Spain, Italy, Romania and Greece (e-roaming).
Nissan and sustainable mobility
Symbiosis between people, vehicles and nature: this is how Nissan defines its environmental philosophy, based on promoting sustainable mobility and electric vehicles. Nissan works pro-actively to face environmental challenges and contribute to reduce the emissions from its vehicles and its corporate activity.
Through Nissan Green Program 2016, the environmental action plan of the company, the objective of Nissan is to consolidate its leadership as manufacturer of zero-emission vehicles. To achieve this, the objectives set in the program are to improve efficiency in fuel consumption by 35% (to date it has been able to reduce it by 31.5%), reduce CO2 emissions from corporate activities by 20% per vehicle (this percentage is around 15.4%) and minimize the new natural resources including 25% of the material recycled in 2016 (Nissan achieved in Japan a material recovery rate of 99.5% in 2013).


Chile llega a 2.118 MW de Energías Renovables No Convencionales entre eólica, fotovoltaica y termosolar

La potencia instalada de Energías Renovables No Convencionales (ERNC) en la matriz eléctrica chilena, alcanzó los 2.118 MW principalmente de la mano de la eólica, con 832 MW eólicos instalados y de la energía solar fotovoltaica con 516 MW.

De acuerdo a las cifras del Reporte ERNC del mes de marzo del Centro para la Innovación y Fomento de las Energías Sustentables (CIFES), por sexto mes consecutivo se ha sumado una nueva central renovable a la matriz energética, lo que da cuenta de una consolidación en el crecimiento sostenido de este tipo de centrales.
energía solar Chile csp termosolar abengoa
energía solar Chile csp termosolar abengoa
CIFES informa que hay 1.499 MW en construcción de los cuales 1.167 corresponden a plantas solares fotovoltaicas, seguidas muy atrás por parques eólicos por 165 MW, la central termosolar de 110 MW de la comuna de María Elena y sólo 57 MW de mini hidráulicas. De concretarse la cartera en etapa de construcción, la energía solar FV llegaría a ser la de mayor presencia en el mix ERNC del país.
sunedison fotovoltaica Chile
En tanto, la cartera de proyectos en el sistema de evaluación ambiental muestra un fuerte predominio de las iniciativas eólicas y solares FV con 5.513 MW y 8.173 MW con su Resolución de Calificación Ambiental Aprobada. “En cuanto a las zonas con más proyectos que cuentan con RCA aprobada destacan la región de Antofagasta (6.058 MW), Atacama (3.689 MW) y Coquimbo (1.450 MW), valores que se condicen con las zonas mejor catalogadas para los parques eólicos y fotovoltaicos a partir de los estudios de prospección de recursos”, señala el reporte CIFES sobre ERNC en Chile.
Eólica en Chile: Michelle Bachelet inauguró parque eólico de Acciona.
Eólica en Chile: Michelle Bachelet inauguró parque eólico de Acciona.
Respecto de la generación provenientes de fuentes renovables no convencionales reconocida por la ley, al mes de enero de 2015 (va con dos meses de desfase) se observa una clara y permanente tendencia de superación de la obligación legal, pese a que la inyección reconocida disminuyó respecto de diciembre de 2014.
El CIFES informó que “la obligación del periodo informado ascendió a 197,21 GWh, mientras que la inyección ERNC efectiva registrada fue de 409,15 GWh”, es decir un 107 % extra sobre la obligación. El desglose por tecnologías indica aportes por 105,85 GWh de bioenergía, 104,9 GWh de solar, 103,12 GWh eólicos y 95,29 GWh de centrales mini hidro.

World CO2 emissions stall in 2014, Rising use of renewable energy, particularly in China, helped keep emissions in check

Global energy emissions stayed stable last year even though the economy grew, according to data released Friday that could boost chances for a landmark climate accord later this year. 

The rising use of renewable energy, particularly in China, played a role in keeping emissions from the energy sector to 32.3 billion tons of carbon dioxide last year, the same as in 2013, the International Energy Agency said.

Over the past 50 years, the only other times that emissions stayed the same or shrank were during economic downturns - in the early 1980s, in 1992 and in 2009. The global economy grew last year by three per cent.
The report said the numbers suggest that government and industry policies to fight climate change may be working better than expected, notably by reducing a reliance on coal and using more wind and solar power.
Incoming IEA director Fatih Birol called the development "a very welcome surprise and a significant one," because it shows that countries can grow economically without increasing emissions.
"It provides much-needed momentum to negotiators preparing to forge a global climate deal in Paris in December," he said.
The UN climate talks in Paris would be the first time that all countries take joint action to reduce global emissions of so-called greenhouse gas emissions, which scientists say are a key driver of global warming.
UN climate chief Christiana Figueres called the data "good news" for prospects at the Paris talks. Greenpeace tweeted "time to further cut CO2 seal a #climate deal in #Paris2015."

Wind Energy Market to be globally worth $250 Billion in 2020

According to the new report from BCC Research, the global wind energy market was worth $130 billion in 2013 and $165.5 billion in 2014.

The market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2% between 2015 and 2020 resulting in $176.2 billion in 2015 and $250 billion in 2020.
Wind energy is a reliable source of generating renewable energy, and has been established as one of the most preferred methods for generating renewable energy in several nations. The wind energy industry can be broadly classified into onshore and offshore. The former technology has achieved a certain degree of maturity, though costs can be reduced through material diversification and technology innovation. The latter, on the other hand, has the potential to deliver the greatest benefits and is anticipated to take off in the near future.
Asia-Pacific is the major market in the onshore wind energy sector, with China and India spearheading growth in the region. Government subsidies and wind energy targets are some of the factors driving investments in the onshore wind energy industry. Europe was once a major center for onshore wind development, but the region is still reeling from the economic crisis. Capacity installations are likely to pick up as the economy recovers further. Brazil is predicted to be an attractive market for wind power developers in Latin America. The onshore wind energy industries in Argentina and Costa Rica have exhibited promising development.
“Wind energy has great potential to lessen our dependence on traditional resources like oil, gas and coal, and to do it without as much damage to the environment,” says BCC Research energy and resources analyst Srinivasa Rajaram. “With largely untapped wind energy resources around the globe and declining wind energy costs, the world is now moving forward with an aggressive initiative to accelerate the progress of wind technology, and further reduce its costs, to create new jobs and to improve environmental quality.”
Being capital intensive, wind energy has no fuel costs. The price of wind power is therefore much more stable than the volatile prices of fossil fuel sources. There are now longer and lighter wind turbine blades, improvements in turbine performance and increased power generation efficiency. Compared with other low carbon power sources, wind turbines have some of the lowest global warming potential per unit of electrical energy generated.
Wind Energy: Global Markets measures and forecasts the global market for wind turbines and looks at the wind turbine installation and purchasing trends in some of the countries along with their growth potential. Revenue forecasts are provided through 2020.

Wind Vision: New Report Highlights a Robust Wind Power Future

The Wind Vision Report  takes America’s current installed wind power capacity across all facets of wind energy (land-based, offshore, and distributed) as its baseline—a capacity that has tripled since the 2008 release of the Energy Department’s 20% Wind Energy by 2030 report—and assesses the potential economic, environmental, and social benefits of a scenario where U.S. wind power supplies 10% of the nation’s electrical demand in 2020, 20% in 2030, and 35% in 2050. 

The Wind Vision Report builds upon the continued the success of the wind industry to date and quantifies a robust wind energy future.


The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Wind Program led a comprehensive analysis to evaluate future pathways for the wind industry. Through a broad-based collaborative effort, the Wind Vision had four principal objectives:
  1. Document the current state of wind power in the United States and identify key technological accomplishments and societal benefits leading up to 2013;
  2. Explore the potential pathways for wind power to contribute to the future electricity needs of the nation, including objectives such as reduced carbon emissions, improved air quality, and reduced water use;
  3. Quantify costs, benefits, and other impacts associated with continued deployment and growth of U.S. wind power; and
  4. Identify actions and future achievements that could support continued growth in the use.

Key Findings of the Wind Vision Report:

  • Wind energy is available nationwide. The Wind Vision Report shows that wind can be a viable source of renewable electricity in all 50 states by 2050.
  • Wind supports a strong domestic supply chain. Wind has the potential to support over 600,000 jobs in manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and supporting services by 2050.
  • Wind is affordable. As wind generation agreements typically provide 20 year fixed pricing, the electric utility sector is anticipated to be less sensitive to volatility in natural gas and coal fuel prices with more wind. By reducing national vulnerability to price spikes and supply disruptions with long-term pricing, wind is anticipated to save consumers $280 billion by 2050.
  • Wind reduces air pollution emissions. Wind energy can help avoid the emission of over 250,000 metric tons of air pollutants, which include sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter, as well as 12.3 gigatonnes of greenhouse gases by 2050.    
  • Wind energy preserves water resources. By 2050, wind energy can save 260 billion gallons of water—the equivalent to roughly 400,000 Olympic-size swimming pools—that would have been used by the electric power sector.
  • Wind deployment increases community revenues. Local communities will be able to collect additional tax revenue from land lease payments and property taxes, reaching $3.2 billion annually by 2050. 
To read more about the findings of the Wind Vision Report, dowload the full report.

Vietnam tendrá una nueva eólica con 24 aerogeneradores de GE

El parque eólico dispondrá de 24 turbinas eólicas que se levantarán en más de mil 200 hectáreas y superficie de agua en las comunas de Truong Long Hoa y Dan Thanh, del distrito de Duyen Hai.

Eólica y energías renovables: Nuevo parque eólico en Binh Dinh, Vietnam.
La administración de los parques industriales de la provincia sureña vietnamita de Tra Vinh dio permiso para la construcción de un central eólica con aerogeneradores de GE con una inversión de 112 millones de dólares.
De acuerdo con el director del Comité Administrativo de esas zonas, Le Tan Luc, el parque eólico tendrá una capacidad de 48 megavatios al finalizar la primera fase de construcción y prevé conectar a la red energética nacional en septiembre de 2017.
Wind power leader Vestas sees potential in Vietnam
El proyecto de energías renovables forma parte el plan de la provincia de desarrollar las fuentes alternativas en el período 2011- 2015.


Soria arruina las energías renovables en España con ideología FAES y una gran dosis de falsedad

La reforma energética del Gobierno PP fue para hundir las energías renovables, eólica, termosolar y energía solar fotovoltaica.

Cinco Días informa que "El embrollo en el que se ha metido el Ministerio de Industria a cuenta de la contratación “de servicios de asistencia especializada” que en 2013 firmó con las consultoras Roland Berger y Boston Consulting para calcular la nueva retribución de las energías renovables, bien puede resumirse del siguiente modo: lo que se diseñó como un informe pericial en favor del Estado en posibles procesos judiciales y arbitrales, se ha convertido en una prueba (más o menos consistente) en favor de las recurrentes".
eólica Soria
Fuente: Cinco Días
"Tras remolonear casi cinco meses con excusas peregrinas, el departamento que dirige José Manuel Soria, entregó el viernes al Supremo la documentación solicitada por este tribunal sobre los trabajos de las dos consultoras. Para sorpresa del sector, el IDAE certificaba la ruptura del contrato con Boston con fecha 11 de febrero de este año, y remitía un informe de Roland Berger del 31 de octubre pasado. Muchos meses después de que el ministerio aprobase la orden con los nuevos parámetros retributivos, que han supuesto un recorte de ingresos de unos 3.000 millones a las renovables".
La gestión de José Manuel Soria en materia de recorte a las energías renovables queda en entredicho ante el dato aportado por la patronal nacional del sector y recogido este jueves por el periódico El País, en su edición digital, en el que se apunta que "el Ministerio de Industria se ha visto obligado a soltar en el Tribunal Supremo los informes de las consultoras en los que se basaba su recorte a las renovables de 2014. Lo ha hecho después de negárselos al Congreso".
Las empresas de energías renovables calculan queel impacto de la reforma energética en la energía solar fotovoltaica será de 550 millones de euros al año, de 450 millones en la eólica y de 150 millones en la termosolar. En total, 1.150 millones de euros.
Las empresas de energías renovables calculan queel impacto de la reforma energética en la energía solar fotovoltaica será de 550 millones de euros al año, de 450 millones en la eólica y de 150 millones en la termosolar. En total, 1.150 millones de euros.
Según el citado rotativo, el informa de la consultora Roland Berger en el que se fundamentó ese recorte tiene fecha de tres meses después de la normativa que recortó las primas en el Boletín Oficial del Estado, un hachazo estimado en 3.000 millones de euros, según las patronales del sector. Había otro informe, de Boston consulting Group, que "ni siquiera se ha utilizado y el contrato fue resuelto en enero de este año por "los reiterados incumplimientos" de la empresa", según el citado rotativo.

Termosolar Protermosolar afirma que los recortes de la reforma energética les aleja de la rentabilidad razonable.
Con esos datos sobre la mesa, las patronales se preguntan cómo fundamentó el Ministerio de Industria el recorte a las renovables.
Tanto la ruptura del contrato con BCG como el contenido del informe de Roland Berger forman parte de la documentación remitida por el Ministerio de Industria al Tribunal Supremo como parte de la tramitación de las denuncias presentadas por cientos de productores de energías renovables en contra del nuevo régimen retributivo.Según las diligencias de ordenación remitidas a las partes por el Supremo, a las que ha tenido acceso Europa Press, la documentación presentada por Industria consiste en 3 DVD que, por su tamaño, han sido colgados en un servidor del Ministerio para que los concernidos accedan a ella 'on line'. Entre el material remitido, aparece una nota del Instituto para la Diversificación y el Ahorro de Energía (IDAE) del pasado 25 de febrero en la que se explica que el 11 de febrero quedó cancelado el contrato con BCG al producirse "incumplimientos" por parte de la consultora.
El contrato consistía en asistencia técnica para elaborar estudios de valoración y fijación de los estándares retributivos de las renovables, así como para los diversos procedimientos judiciales y arbitrales en los que participe el Estado por causas imputables a la labor de la propia firma.
En cuanto al informe técnico de Roland Berger, aparece firmado junto al IDAE y consiste en un documento de 198 páginas con el título Análisis de estándares de proyectos de producción de electricidad en régimen especial y fecha 31 de octubre de 2014. Al recibir este material, fuentes de las partes recurrentes destacaron a Europa Press que este informe tiene una fecha posterior a la publicación –a mediados de 2014– de la nueva regulación sobre renovables, lo que puede suponer un indicio de que los trabajos se entregaron con fecha posterior a la publicación de la norma para la que se encargaron.
Las consultoras fueron contratadas para elaborar un análisis independiente de estándares retributivos para proyecto de renovables y cogeneración. Roland Berger precisa en el propio informe fechado en octubre que ha sido preparado "únicamente en el contexto del proyecto en la fecha del informe y conforme a procedimientos estándares de trabajo".
La información remitida por Industria ha sido entregada al Supremo fuera de plazo después de que la propia Aadministración argumentase que el material que debía recabar acerca de los estándares de renovables tenían un gran "volumen y complejidad". La información tiene un peso de 20 gigas (GB) y consiste en 150.000 folios.
El Supremo había solicitado esta información para completar el expediente acerca de los recursos contencioso administrativos presentados en contra de la orden ministerial 1045/2014 y en contra del real decreto 413/2014 en los que se fijan los nuevos parámetros retributivos para las renovables y la cogeneración.


Nevada Leads Southwest in in New Solar Energy Installations

At 110 MW, Crescent Dunes concentrated solar power (CSP) Project in Nye County is among the largest solar installations in Nevada. Completed in 2014 by SolarReserve, this concentrated solar power (CSP) project has enough electric capacity to power more than 75,000 homes.

Cashing in as one of the sunniest states in America, Nevada had the third most new solar capacity added last year in the nation, according to the recently-released U.S. Solar Market Insight 2014 Year in Review, but actually jumped to No. 1 in the Southwest. “To put the state’s remarkable progress in some context, the 789 MW of solar installed today in Nevada is more than our entire country had installed by 2007,” said Rhone Resch, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA).

Cashing in as one of the sunniest states in America, Nevada had the third most new solar capacity added last year in the nation, according to the recently-released U.S. Solar Market Insight 2014 Year in Review, but actually jumped to No. 1 in the Southwest.
In 2014, Nevada added 339 megawatts (MW) of solar electric capacity, bringing its total to 789 MW. That’s enough clean, affordable energy to power more than 120,000 homes. The report went on to point out that Nevada’s biggest solar gains came in utility scale installations. Of the new capacity added, 318 MW were utility scale, 19 MW were commercial and 2 MW were residential. Together, these installations represented a $569 million investment in the state.
“To put the state’s remarkable progress in some context, the 789 MW of solar installed today in Nevada is more than our entire country had installed by 2007. That’s an amazing achievement,” said Rhone Resch, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). “We congratulate Sen. Harry Reid, Sen. Dean Heller and Gov. Brian Sandoval for working together in a bipartisan fashion to create thousands of clean energy jobs in Nevada, while also bolstering the state’s economy.”
Nevada’s notable solar projects include:
  • Copper Mountain 2 in Boulder City was developed by First Solar. This photovoltaic (PV) project has the capacity to generate 92 MW of electricity – enough to power over 13,200 Nevada homes.
  • At 110 MW, Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project in Nye County is among the largest solar installations in Nevada. Completed in 2014 by SolarReserve, this concentrating solar power (CSP) project has enough electric capacity to power more than 75,000 homes.
  • Another utility scale project, Copper Mountain 3, is currently under construction in Nevada and is scheduled to come online this year.
Nevada’s residential market also began to show promise last year, with installed system prices dropping again – and down a total of 49 percent since 2010. But the big driver in the state’s solar market has been in utility-scale installations. Today, there are 109 solar companies at work throughout the value chain in Nevada, employing nearly 6,000 people.
From an environmental perspective, solar installations in Nevada are helping to offset nearly 1 million metric tons of harmful carbon emissions, which is the equivalent of removing more than 200,000 cars off state roads and highways. The use of solar is also helping to reduce water consumption by utilities, which is critically important considering the vital Lake Mead reservoir last summer reached its lowest water levels since the lake was first filled during the construction of the Hoover Dam in the 1930s.
“Today, the U.S. solar industry employs 174,000 Americans nationwide – more than tech giants Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter combined – and pumps nearly $18 billion a year into our economy,” Resch added. “This remarkable growth is due, in large part, to smart and effective public policies, such as the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), Net Energy Metering (NEM) and Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). By any measurement, these policies are paying huge dividends for both the U.S. and Nevada economies and our environment.”



Eólica en Egipto: Siemens suministrará aerogeneradores para 2.000 MW

Siemens construirá parques eólicos con una capacidad total de 2 gigavatios. Siemens también construirá una fábrica de rotores hélices para los aerogeneradores. En total, se crearán unos mil puestos de trabajo, y Siemens triplicará su número de asalariados en Egito.

La capacidad de producción de energía eléctrica en Egipto aumentará "al menos en un tercio de aquí a 2020", indicó además Siemens.
Mehr Leistung: Neue Siemens D3 Windturbinen bündeln jahrelange Erfahrungen / Uprated Siemens D3 wind turbine implements sum of design and operational experiences
La firma tuvo lugar en Sharm el-Sheij, al margen de un importante encuentro económico y financiero organizado por las autoridades egipcias, precisó Siemens en presencia del ministro de Economía alemán, Sigmar Gabriel, y el ministro egipcio de Energía local, Shaker el Markabi.


Inox to invest further in Indian wind energy market

Inox Wind plans to invest Rs 200 crore by the end of next financial year, with an aim to double its manufacturing capacity to 1,600 MW.

The capacity will be expanded from 800 MW at present to 1600 MW in phases over the next financial year, says company resources.
In addition, Inox Wind will hit the market soon with an initial public offer of up to Rs 700 crore.
Out of this, around Rs 300 crore will be used for supplementing long-term working capital requirement and Rs 150 crore for capacity expansion.
Further, a similar amount will be used for site infrastructure and Rs 100 crore, which will be spent on meeting general corporate expenses.
Inox Wind has manufacturing units at Una in Himachal Pradesh and Rohika in Gujarat.
In January, Tata Power Renewable Energy (TPREL) awarded two wind-farm projects of 172 MW to Inox in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
Inox will be responsible for the supply, erection and commissioning of 86 units of its 2 MW wind turbine generators (WTGs) in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
Recently, Inox Wind entered into a Rs. 4,500 crore deal with government of Gujarat for establishing 700 MW wind energy projects in the state.
The company plans to implement the MoU in Rajkot, Amreli and Kutch districts of Gujarat over next 2 years.
In addition, INOX is commissioning around 500 MW wind capacity in Rajkot and Surendranagar.
Lately, the company started construction of an integrated manufacturing facility at Barwani in Madhya Pradesh which will be commissioned in phases over the next 12 months.
In another development, Green Infra awarded 166 MW of turbine supply contract to Inox for various projects in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.
Inox will develop and construct the projects on a turnkey basis, supply 83 units of 2 mw wind turbine generators and undertake long-term operations and maintenance.


Wind power in Egypt: Siemens will supply wind turbines to 2,000 MW

Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser told that the deals were signed Saturday after negotiations with President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, "who drove a hard bargain."

"It will create 1,000 jobs and we're ready to start as soon as possible," he said. "We've been doing business here for over 110 years so we've seen crisis come and go... It's not about (us) coming and going."
He said the package included binding agreements worth about $4.6 billion ($4.4 billion euros). They include a new 4.4-gigawatt power plant in southern Egypt, a project to generate 2 gigawatts of wind power and a new wind rotor blade factory. The other agreements were memorandums of understanding to build other plants and substations over the coming five years.
Egypt, the Arab world's most populous country, faces a power shortage causing rolling blackouts that affect tens of millions of people.
The conference, in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, kicked off its second day with business leaders from around the world reaffirming their commitments, lauding the government's leadership and describing Egypt as an attractive investment location despite persistent small-scale attacks the government blames on Islamic militants.
General Electric and Italian petroleum company Eni were among several companies to also announce preliminary agreements. Egypt's oil ministry said in a statement that the Eni deal was worth an estimated $5 billion ($4.8 billion euros) and would develop oil and gas resources.


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