Channel: José Santamarta Flórez
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California opens large photovoltaic solar energy plant

The dedication of the Desert Sunlight Solar Farm comes about a month after Gov. Jerry Brown called on the state to increase renewable electricity use to 50 percent by 2030, up from the current goal of 33 percent by 2020.

“Solar power projects like Desert Sunlight are helping create American jobs, develop domestic renewable energy and cut carbon pollution,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said in a statement. “I applaud the project proponents for their vision and entrepreneurial spirit to build this solar project, and commend Gov. Brown for implementing policies that take action on climate change and help move our nation toward a renewable energy future.”
The plant, which uses photovoltaic panels, is expected to produce enough power for about 160,000 homes. Constructed on about 4,000 acres of federal land, it is owned by NextEra Energy Resources, GE Energy Financial Services and Sumitomo Corporation of America. First Solar is building and operating the plant, the California Energy Commission said.
Nationwide, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management has approved 52 large renewable energy projects since 2009, including 29 solar plants.
Desert Sunlight benefited from about $1.5 billion in federal loan guarantees. The Energy Department said in a report Monday that the agency provided $4.6 billion in loan guarantees to support five large photovoltaic solar projects in the Southwest, at a time when developers were struggling to obtain financing.
The steady expansion of solar power in desert areas is testing the balance between wilderness conservation and the pursuit of green energy.
The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in the Mojave Desert, which opened last year, has faced criticism from environmentalists after scores of dead birds were found on the site, some with melted feathers. That plant uses a technology known as solar-thermal, in which computer-controlled mirrors reflect sunlight to boilers atop 459-foot towers. The suspected causes of bird deaths include collisions with mirrors and scorching.
According to the agency, the Bureau of Land Management worked with Desert Sunlight and other groups to reduce the project’s size from a proposed 19,000 acres. The agency said it required Desert Sunlight to provide funds for more than 7,500 acres of habitat for desert tortoises and other sensitive species to help offset the effect on the environment.

Siemens receives wind turbines order from US wind power Pattern Development

Siemens will supply 200 MW of wind power in Comanche County, Texas: Logan's Gap Wind power plant will consist of 87 Siemens SWT-2.3-108 wind turbines.

Siemens has been awarded another order from Pattern Energy Group LP (Pattern Development) to supply and install 87 wind turbines for the Logan's Gap Wind project in the USA. The 200-MW project, located in Comanche County, Texas, will create enough clean energy to power 50,000 homes in Texas annually. The SWT-2.3-108 wind turbines to be supplied have a power rating of 2.3 megawatts (MW). Installation of the wind turbines at the Logan's Gap project is scheduled to begin this year, with the start of operations expected for autumn 2015. A service and maintenance agreement was also signed to help ensure the turbines operate at optimal levels.
Logan's Gap, located near the Dallas-Fort Worth area, is the fourth wind project in Texas owned by Pattern Energy Group, Inc. (Pattern Energy). The energy provided by these turbines is part of more than 1,200 turbines which Siemens has already installed in this state. Logan's Gap represents the 12th project between Siemens and Pattern Development in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and South America. The nacelles for the project will be assembled at Siemens facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. The blades, with a length of 53 meters will be manufactured at the Siemens blade facility in Fort Madison, Iowa.
"We are proud that Siemens is partnering with Pattern Development on this project, continuing our success with wind power projects across the Americas," said Markus Tacke, CEO of Siemens Wind Power and Renewables Division. "Pattern Development is an important and trusted customer with a proven ability to deliver clean, renewable energy, and we greatly value our continued partnership with them."

Global wind energy up 51.5GW in 2014

New figures released by the Global Wind Energy Council show that the global wind power industry grew by 44% in 2014, installing over 51 GW and, according to the Global Wind Energy Council, acting as a “solid sign of the recovery of the industry after a rough patch in the past few years.”

According to the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), 51,4777 GW of new wind energy capacity was installed in 2014, pushing the cumulative total worldwide up to 369,553 GW by the end of the year.

“Wind power is the most competitive way of adding new power generation capacity to the grid in a rapidly increasing number of markets around the world, even when competing against heavily subsidized incumbents,” said Steve Sawyer, GWEC Secretary General.

“Wind is a rapidly maturing technology, with proven reliability and competitiveness. Not only the low prices but also the cost-stability of wind power makes it a very attractive option for utilities, independent power producers and companies who are looking for a hedge against the wildly fluctuating prices of fossil fuels.”

In a completely unsurprising turn of events, China continues to lead the way, setting a new record in 2014 of over 23 GW of new wind power capacity installed, which makes up for 45% of the global market. In fact, China makes up an incredible amount of the Asian market, which only sits at 26,161 MW, with India in second place, having installed a distant 2.3 GW.
As seen in the numbers put out by the European Wind Energy Agency, the European wind energy industry grew marginally with a 3.8% year on year growth over 2013, installing 12.8 GW of new capacity — bulked by Germany’s 5,279 MW and the UK’s 1,736 MW.
American installation additions amounted to a respectable 934 MW, while Brazil led the way in Latin America, installing 2,472 MW of the region’s total 3,749 MW.
Up north, America recovered somewhat, installing 4,854 MW, while Canada set a new record with 1,871 MW and Mexico a healthy 522 MW.
And, as the GWEC put it, “Australia’s 567 MW showed that the renewables industry in Australia is not dead, despite the best efforts of the government to kill it.”
“The wind power industry is a key solution to climate change, air pollution, energy security, price stability and a driver of new industries and employment,” said Sawyer. “Let’s hope the climate negotiators get that message and come up with something useful in Paris in December.” 

ABB to build cable system for Denmark offshore wind farm

ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has won an order worth over $100 million from Energinet.dk, the Danish transmission system operator, to build an alternating current (AC) cable system that will enable the integration and transmission of power from the Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm to the mainland grid.

As Denmark's largest offshore wind farm it will help to increase the country’s wind power capacity to over 40 percent, capable of providing electricity to meet the demand of over 600,000 homes.

Wind energy is a cornerstone of Denmark’s Green Energy plan to become fossil fuel free by 2050. The planned 600MW wind farm will help strengthen regional energy markets and increase the security of supply by boosting transmission capacity.

ABB’s cable system will connect the offshore wind farm platforms Kriegers Flak A and B to Rødvig, in Denmark. ABB will design, supply and install three high-voltage alternating current 220 kilovolt three-core submarine cables with a total length of about 100 kilometers (km) 44 km from each of the platforms to shore and 11 km between the two platforms. The project is scheduled to be commissioned in 2018.

“Cable links are playing a key role in integrating renewable energy into the grid and transmitting clean electricity to millions of people. This is very much in line with our vision of facilitating power and productivity for a better world,” said Claudio Facchin, President, ABB Power Systems division. “Our leading-edge technologies, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and vast global experience position us as a global leader in high voltage cable systems.”

Cable systems are essential components of sustainable energy networks, transmitting vast amounts of electricity over long distances, often across or between countries. ABB is a global leader in high-voltage cable systems with a worldwide installed base across applications including city center infeeds, oil and gas platform power supplies, subsea interconnections and the integration of renewables. ABB has commissioned more than 25 high-voltage DC cable connections and numerous of high-voltage AC cable links around the world.

ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility, industry, and transport and infrastructure customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in roughly 100 countries and employs about 140,000 people.


Vestas eólica ganó 392 millones de euros en 2014

El mayor fabricante mundial de aerogeneradores, la compañía eólica danesa Vestas Wind Systems, presentó hoy un beneficio neto de 392 millones de euros para 2014, frente a la pérdida de 82 millones del año anterior.

La ganancia antes de impuestos fue de 523 millones, cuando un año antes Vestas había perdido 36 millones.
El beneficio neto de explotación (EBIT) pasó de 102 millones a 607 millones.
Los ingresos subieron un 14 por ciento hasta 6.910 millones, informó Vestas, cuyo consejo de administración propuso por primera vez repartir dividendos -algo más de medio euro por acción- desde 2002.
Los 36 aerogeneradores V112.3.0 MW producirán más de 300 GWh al año, lo que supone un ahorro anual de casi 124.000 toneladas de emisiones de CO2. Además , proporcionará suficiente electricidad para cubrir el consumo eléctrico de más de 550.000 personas en Rumania . Vestas ha anunciado un pedido de 108 MW eólicos de la empresa SC Crucea Wind Farm SRL / STEAG GmbH para el parque eólico “Crucea Norte”, ubicado en Constanta, en la provincia de Dobrogea en Rumania. El pedido incluye el suministro, la instalación y la puesta en marcha de los aerogeneradores, así como la solución VestasOnline ® Business SCADA y un contrato de servicio de 10 años (AOM 4000). La entrega está prevista para abril de 2014 y se espera que la puesta en marcha se completará en diciembre de 2014 . El parque eólico Crucea Norte será uno de las parques eóilicos más grandes de Rumania. Sus 108 MW serán un elemento clave para los ambiciosos objetivos de energías renovables que persigue Rumania y que encuentran detallados en el Plan de Acción Nacional de Energías Renovables del país. http://www.evwind.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Vestas-V112.jpg http://www.evwind.es/2013/10/10/vestas-wins-108-mw-order-for-one-of-the-largest-wind-power-plants-in-romania/36626 http://santamarta-florez.blogspot.com.es/2013/10/rumania-vestas-vende-36-aerogeneradores.html http://santamarta-florez.blogspot.com.es/2013/10/vestas-wins-108-mw-order-for-one-of.html
Energías renovables y eólica en Rumania: 36 aerogeneradores de Vestas para un parque eólico.
El flujo de pedidos de aerogeneradores aumentó un 12 por ciento el año pasado, mientras que la potencia instalada ascendió a 6.125 megavatios, un 36 por ciento más que en 2013.


Eólica crece en todo el mundo excepto en España

El Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) ha hecho públicas hoy sus cifras, que muestran que después del parón del 2013, 2014 ha sido un año récord para la eólica mundial: se instalaron 51.477 MW eólicos en el mundo, lo que supone un aumento del 44% y sitúa la potencia instalada total en 369,55 GW.

China sigue siendo la locomotora mundial, con 23.351 nuevos megavatios eólicos, lo que supone el 45% de todo el crecimiento mundial. India fue el segundo país que más instaló, con 2.315 MW. Esto sitúa a Asia como el mercado de mayor crecimiento de la eólica en el mundo: en 2014 se instalaron 26.161 MW. Para ver el informe, pincha aquí.
gwec-installed-capacity-2014 1


La potencia eólica en la Unión Europea aumentó en 11.791 MW –un 5,3%– en 2014, hasta alcanzar una capacidad acumulada de 128,8 GW. En el mundo, registró un crecimiento récord. Y en España, se paró en seco como consecuencia de la Reforma Energética.

Alemania y Reino Unido representaron el 59,5% del total de las nuevas instalaciones de energía eólica de la UE en 2014, con 5.279 MW y 1.736 MW, respectivamente. Para consultar el informe, pincha aquí.
En el caso de España, 2014 pasará a la historia como el peor del sector eólico español. Como ha venido advirtiendo la  Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE), la Reforma Energética ha alejado por completo a los inversores de España. Según datos de AEE, la potencia instalada eólica ha aumentado en tan solo 27,48 MW en 2014, el menor crecimiento en veinte años. La potencia eólica a 31 de diciembre se situaba en 22.986,5 MW. Para más información, pincha aquí.


Energías renovables: Apple instala central de energía solar fotovoltaica

First Solar, una empresa de energía solar fotovoltaica con sede en la localidad de Tempe, Arizona, fabrica paneles solares e instala centrales de energías renovables, muchas de las cuales vende a productores de electricidad.

El presidente ejecutivo de Apple, Tim Cook, ha anunciado este martes que la compañía de tecnología estadounidense invertirá 850 millones de dólares para ayudar a construir una central de energía solar en California con la fabricante de paneles First Solar.
El proyecto en el condado de Monterey, California, proveerá suficiente energía para 60.000 viviendas y para las futuras oficinas centrales de Apple Inc en la cercana localidad de Cupertino, ha explicado Cook en una conferencia de tecnología de Goldman Sachs en San Francisco.
"En Apple sabemos que el cambio climático es real. El tiempo de hablar ya pasó (...) Ahora es tiempo de actuar", ha apostillado el presidente ejecutivo de la empresa tecnológica.
Se espera que la construcción de la central California Flats comience a mediados del 2015 y termine hacia fines del año próximo, ha avanzado First Solar en un comunicado.

First wind farm planned for Arkansas

Plans to build Arkansas’ first wind farm have sparked interest and excitement in town and across the state, though some wind power experts cautioned against overselling the project.

Representatives of Dragonfly Industries International, a Texas wind energy company, told city officials last month they hope to build dozens of turbines on more than 300 acres of rural land about a mile west of Elm Springs at a cost of at least $100 million, according to City Council and Planning Commission minutes. Power could flow to tens of thousands of homes with the farm’s expected capacity of 80 megawatts.
Company leaders hope Elm Springs would annex the land if the project goes forward, bringing a tax boon to this town of fewer than 2,000 people, according to the minutes.
“This being what it is kind of put us on the map, so to speak,” Mayor Harold Douthit told the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (http://bit.ly/1Ky1VAc ). “It could be a very positive effect and influence on our little town here.”
Firm details are hard to come by for now. The company hasn’t met with city officials since mid-December, and Cody Fell, a company spokesman, said Dragonfly’s CEO and others were unavailable to comment. The company launched in Frisco, Texas, but plans to move to Northwest Arkansas in anticipation of the project, according to the City Council minutes.
“I do think that first presentation was well received by the council,” Alderman Kevin Thornton said. “Everyone seemed to look forward to hearing more about the project. I think we’re just in kind of a holding pattern.”
Dragonfly plans to buy the land from Chambers Bank in Danville. It’s valued at about $36,000, according to the Washington County Assessor’s Office, though its asking price could be in the millions. Calls to the bank requesting comment weren’t returned.
Dragonfly’s attempt would be the third since 2008 to bring a wind energy project into the state’s northwest corner.
Kansas-based TradeWind Energy tried in 2008 to build 150 turbines in Searcy County, three counties east of Washington County, according to the Harrison Daily Times. The same year the company also considered a wind farm in Benton County. Both projects fell through — Benton County’s because of concerns over the environmental impact of construction, Searcy County’s because not enough customers showed interest.
Bringing wind energy to Arkansas is a “risky” business, Frank Kelly, board chairman for the Arkansas Renewable Energy Association, said last week.
“I wouldn’t advise anyone doing it,” he said, adding solar power seemed like a better investment, unless a company wants to build turbines reaching the steadiest winds 450 feet up. Dragonfly’s turbines would be 100 feet tall, according to the City Council minutes.
The country’s best wind energy potential is in the Great Plains, between north Texas and North Dakota, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Wind there reaches an annual average of up to 18 mph at 240 feet up. Arkansas’ windiest region is the northwest, with an average wind speed about 14 mph.
Despite the risk, Kelly said he’d be happy if wind power stuck this time around. Glen Hooks, director of the Sierra Club of Arkansas, was even more enthusiastic.
“Other than our hydropower plants, it’d be the first renewable energy of any kind,” Hooks said, calling the plan “exciting.” The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is encouraging states to move away from coal power, which could edge out some coal plants and leave room for jobs and economic development on the renewable side, he said.
“This is the perfect example,” Hooks said of the Dragonfly plan. He pointed to LM Wind Power, a Danish company that’s one of the largest turbine-blade suppliers in the world and has a Little Rock factory and sales office.
Arkansas’ wind potential also is higher than earlier estimates showed thanks to better turbines, Hooks said. A 2014 report from the Energy Department and the Southeastern Wind Coalition found Arkansas could supply all of its energy use from wind alone with today’s technology.
American wind power has grown continuously in the past decade, providing more than 4 percent of the nation’s generated electricity in 2014, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. More than 15 million homes are powered by wind, the highest level ever and almost double the nation’s wind capacity in 2009.
For now, Arkansas buys its wind energy from Kansas, Oklahoma and other states. Dragonfly’s proposal comes as Clean Line Energy Partners is waiting for federal permission to build a 3,500-megawatt line from the Oklahoma panhandle to Tennessee and provide even more wind power to Arkansas and the rest of the South. The line would enter Arkansas in Crawford County, just south of Washington County.
If approved, construction of the $2 billion line could be finished by 2018, according to Clean Line.
Mock-ups on Dragonfly’s website show the company intends to use turbines that look something like jet engines, known in the industry as shrouded or ducted turbines. A cylindrical shell would extend forward and backward from the rotor. Units would be mounted in pairs on either side of each tower and could be lowered to the ground in high wind, according to the Elm Springs City Council minutes.
“With patents pending, we look forward to the future of wind energy where bigger is not better, ecosystems are not adversely affected and we do not create an obstructing view of the sunset,” the company wrote on its website.
Some research backs up claims of improvement. A 2013 study by Stanford University researchers found shrouded rotors could double the energy output of a conventional turbine, for example.
The shrouded design nonetheless has prompted skepticism from the industry. Critics say designers rely on pure math and controlled wind tunnels instead of real-world testing or exaggerate results to grab investors’ attention.

Wind power in Finland: Nordex wind turbines for a wind farm

Launched last year, Nordex’s N131/3000 wind turbine is attracting growing demand outside Germany as well: Thus, Finnish asset management company Taaleritehdas has ordered the first models from this series. Accordingly, Nordex will be enlarging the “Myllykangas” wind farm with the addition of a further three turbines, namely two N131/3000 turbines and one N117/2400 turbine. The contract also includes premium service for a period of 12 years.

Installation work is to commence in the autumn following the completion of the current construction phase for 19 N117/2400 wind turbines. The wind farm is located in the north of Finland close to the town of Ii. In view of the prevailing cold conditions, the N131/3000 rotors will be fitted with an anti-icing system. Moreover, the turbines are designed to make the most of the local wind conditions and will achieve an above-average capacity factor of more than 40 percent.

“The low noise level of 104.5 dB and the high efficiency of the 3-MW turbine prompted us to enlarge the wind farm swiftly. Quiet turbines with large rotor offer a major advantage in Finland in particular,” says Taamir Fareed, Director of Renewable Energy Business at Taaleritehdas Private Equity Funds. Nordex has already installed or is currently installing three wind farms with a capacity of almost 90 MW for this customer. 


Apple in big solar power deal with First Solar for a photovoltaic plant

Apple will buy about $850 million of solar power from a new California solar farm to cut its energy bill, the iPhone maker said on Tuesday as its stock market value closed above $700 billion for the first time.

The First Solar Inc (FSLR.O) photovoltaic plant, with the capacity to power the equivalent of 60,000 homes, will be used to supply electricity for Apple's new campus in Silicon Valley, and its other offices and 52 stores in the state, Chief Executive Tim Cook said at a Goldman Sachs technology conference in San Francisco.
Cook addressed investors as Apple's stock market value closed at $710.74 billion for the first time, buoyed by record sales of big-screen iPhones and a December-quarter profit that was the largest in corporate history.
Apple was already the world's largest publicly traded company by stock value.
The plant in Monterey County, California will also power an Apple data center in Newark, California that already relies on solar power.
"We expect to have a very significant savings because we have a fixed price for the renewable energy, and there's quite a difference between that price and the price of brown energy," Cook said.
"We know in Apple that climate change is real. The time for talk is passed," he added. "The time for action is now."
First Solar, based in Tempe, Arizona, manufactures solar panels and builds solar power plants, many of which it sells to power producers.
Construction of the 2,900-acre California Flats Solar Project is expected to start in mid-2015 and finish by the end of next year, First Solar said in a statement.
Apple will receive electricity from 130 megawatts of capacity under a 25-year purchase agreement, the largest in the industry to provide clean energy to a commercial end user, First Solar said. Output of the project's remaining 150 megawatts will go to Pacific Gas and Electric Co (PCG_pa.A).
Apple will not receive an equity stake in the project and will make the payments over the lifetime of the deal rather than all at once, First Solar spokesman Steve Krum said.
"The reason that they made this choice is because they saw a way to save economically," Krum said. "You won't have price volatility from other fuel sources. The fuel is free. It's competitively priced from other options they would have."
The project could not have gone forward without Apple’s participation, Krum said.
Apple already uses renewable energy to power its data centers. Last week, it said it would invest $2 billion over 10 years to convert a failed sapphire glass plant in Arizona into a data center that would be powered mostly by solar energy.
"Apple still has work to do to reduce its environmental footprint, but other Fortune 500 CEOs would be well served to make a study of Tim Cook," Greenpeace said in a statement following Tuesday's announcement.

Alstom to build a turnkey geothermal energy plant in Indonesia

Alstom has been awarded a contract worth over €61 million by PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy to supply and install a 30 MW geothermal plant for the Karaha Power Plant in West Java, Indonesia. Alstom will design, supply, install and commission the entire power plant (EPC contract). The project will be delivered by the end of 2016.

Indonesia, with its unique geology, houses the world’s largest potential geothermal source which is estimated to be nearly 30,000 MW. However, recent figures indicated that Indonesia is not harnessing the potential of geothermal energy, with the source contributing only 5% of its estimated capacity into the power mix.

The Indonesian authority, in looking to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions and leverage on the huge geothermal reserves, made the decision to fast-track the development of Indonesia’s power industry and has signed numerous geothermal-related contracts in the last few years.

We are delighted to play a key role in helping Indonesia achieve its energy goals,” said Steven Moss, Vice President in charge of Renewable Steam Plants at Alstom. “This installation reinforces Alstom’s continued commitment to the geothermal markets and the importance of this renewable fuel source”.
Rony Gunawan, CEO of PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy said, “The competitiveness of Alstom’s offer including quality, environment, health and safety, was key in the awarding of the contract. We are looking forward Alstom improving capability and effectiveness to manage the project.”

Alstom has been present in Indonesia for nearly 50 years, having provided various solutions to support Indonesia’s power and rail transport infrastructure. It employs around 1500 people.


Researchers propose a novel solar CPV/Concentrated Solar Power hybrid system

In concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems only a small part of the incident solar energy can be converted into electricity and the majority of the incident energy is dissipated as waste heat. Although the waste heat could be utilized in conventional CPV/thermal systems, the applications are seriously limited due to the low temperature accompanying the waste heat. Professor Xu Chao and his group from North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) present a novel CPV/concentrating solar power (CSP) hybrid system. The dissipated heat is used to produce superheated vapor of refrigerant which is effective to generate power through an organic Rankine cycle (ORC), and thus the solar-to-electricity efficiency of the system can be significantly improved. This work was published in Science Bulletin 2015 No.4 issue.

Recently CPV has achieved worldwide attentions due to the features of more cost-effective and more efficient in energy harvesting than PV with no concentrators. However, redundant low grade heat is accompanying the CPV systems, because on one hand the majority of the incident solar energy is converted into heat, and on the other hand the temperatures of solar cell modules have to be restricted to a proper range (usually less than 100 C). To make full utilization of the massive dissipated heat, CPV/thermal (CPV/T) hybrid systems were developed in the past decades. However, the dissipated heat is usually used to heat a coolant to a higher temperature for space heating, absorptive cooling and so on in conventional CPV/T systems. The applications of the CPV/T systems are actually seriously limited due to the possible mismatch between the demand for power and heat and the required complicated energy management system. On the other hand, only the core region of the energy flux density generated by the concentrators with high and relatively uniform local concentration ratios is suitable for CPV modules, and the peripheral radiation with low concentration ratios is usually discarded.

To make better use of both the dissipated heat from solar cells and the peripheral low-concentration radiation, Professor Chao Xu and his colleagues proposed a novel CPV/CSP hybrid system, which is mainly composed of CPV modules and its evaporative cooling subsystem on the back side, a solar thermal receiver surrounding the CPV module, and the equipments forming an ORC. The solar cells facing the core region of the concentrated radiation generate electricity directly, and the refrigerant becomes saturated vapor after absorbing the dissipated heat from solar cells. Then the saturated vapor is fed into the receiver tubes, and after being heated by the peripheral solar radiation it becomes superheated vapor which is used to generate power through the ORC. As thus the hybrid system has a combined electricity generation, which could avoid the problem that market of conventional CPV/T is limited because of the combined heat and power (CHP) generation. Professor Chao Xu et al. also established a steady-state physical model for the hybrid system and carried out the energy analysis. The results show that the useful peripheral low-concentration radiation that can be used to get a high-temperature superheated vapor could be rather considerable, and the overall solar-to-electricity efficiency can be significantly improved by the hybrid system. For example, the overall efficiency can be increased from 28.4% for the conventional CPV system to as high as 44% for the hybrid system with 500 suns. Therefore, the proposed CPV/CSP hybrid system provides a viable way for high-efficient solar power generation.

The research work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Foundation of Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering of MOE.

See the article: Xue Han, Chao Xu, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Energy analysis of a hybrid solar concentrating photovoltaic/concentrating solar power (CPV/CSP) system. Science Bulletin, 2015, 60(4): 460-469.


El coste de la termosolar se reducirá en un 28,7% en solo 10 años

KIC InnoEnergy ha presentado un estudio que evalúa 24 innovaciones tecnológicas que permitirán reducir los costes de producción de energía solar termoeléctrica en los próximos 10 años. Las conclusiones de este informe son claves para identificar las oportunidades y los retos tecnológicos en la producción de este tipo de energía.

El estudio se basa en el modelo de coste, desarrollado por la consultora BVG Associates, que analiza el impacto de  las innovaciones tecnológicas de los diferentes elementos que constituyen una planta de energía solar termoeléctrica en el coste de la energía que producen. Las principales tecnologías analizadas son la de cilíndrico parabólica (PTC por sus siglas en inglés), la de receptor central (CR) y la de concentrador lineal tipo Fresnel (LFR). Para calcular el coste  de la energía (LCOE por sus siglas en inglés), el estudio plantea el ciclo de vida de las plantas a 25 años en el contexto del mercado europeo.
La conclusión principal es que, para estas tres tecnologías mencionadas anteriormente, la previsión de reducción total del LCOE será de un 28,7% para la tecnologías PTC, 27% para CR y 23,6% para LFR, hasta el año 2025. Para ello, se han identificado entre 19 y 24 innovaciones tecnológicas que tienen potencial para reducir sustancialmente el coste de producción.
El mayor potencial de reducción de coste se concentra en mejorar los procesos de fabricación de componentes (al menos un 8,5% en el periodo), sin tener en cuenta los efectos no tecnológicos derivados del volumen y de la posible mayor competencia en la cadena de suministro. Debido a la relativa falta de madurez del mercado de la tecnología solar termoeléctrica, la competencia no es todavía muy fuerte y el potencial de mejora de sus procesos de fabricación es, por lo tanto, bastante elevado. Por otra parte, si analizamos la experiencia actual en operación de las plantas y los cambios innovadores en las líneas de producción y de ensamblaje, vemos que todavía es posible una importante reducción de los costes de inversión (CAPEX).
El segundo gran contribuidor, con un potencial de reducción del LCOE de al menos un 7,1 %, hace referencia al conjunto de innovaciones en concentradores y receptores, principalmente gracias a mejoras en los diseños y el incremento de las temperaturas de trabajo que permite alcanzar mejores eficiencias.
Finalmente, y para completar el panorama de las innovaciones identificadas, caben destacar los avances en software para mejorar la ingeniería de estas plantas en fase de desarrollo (al menos 4,6% de impacto en el LCOE), el uso de nuevos fluidos de trabajo y la optimización en coste de los sistemas de almacenamiento térmico (hasta un 5,6% de impacto). También destacan el desarrollo de estrategias específicas de operación y mantenimiento, incluyendo monitoring y control (hasta 3,1% de impacto) y las mejoras de los grupos térmicos y del Balance of Plant en general (hasta 2% de impacto en el LCOE).



termosolar, Concentrated Solar Power, Concentrating Solar Power, CSP, Concentrated Solar Thermal Power, solar power, solar energy, costes, KIC InnoEnergy,  


China Will Overtake US as World’s Leading Wind Power Producer by 2016

Pranav Srivastava, GlobalData’s Analyst covering Power, says: “During his State of the Union Address in January 2015, US President Barack Obama spoke of the country’s achievements in the energy sector and claimed that the domestic wind industry is number one in the world. While it is true that the US generates the largest amount of wind energy compared to any other nation, it should also be noted that China has the world’s largest wind power installed capacity, with plans to grow further and surpass US wind power generation by 2016.

“China produced about 169 Terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity in 2014 while the US was slightly over 175 TWh. Despite China having a larger wind installed capacity, its comparatively lower levels of wind power generation can be attributed to slower wind speeds and the country’s inadequate grid infrastructure covering the rapid increase in the number of wind turbines in remote areas.
“For a fairer assessment, we can use installed capacity to estimate the extensiveness of wind power development in a country. China’s cumulative wind power installed capacity increased from 402 Megawatts (MW) in 2001 to 110 Gigawatts (GW) in 2014, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 50.5%. In terms of cumulative installed capacity in 2014, China is clearly ahead, as US capacity currently stands at approximately 66 GW.
“Furthermore, in terms of annual installations, the Chinese wind industry has proven to be more stable than the US, as the latter's annual installations rely heavily upon government incentives, which are often under speculation. China added about 18 GW of new installed wind capacity in 2014, whereas the US only added around 4.9 GW, according to GlobalData.
“In 2013, the US wind industry witnessed a 92% drop in annual installed capacity and around 30,000 job losses due to the expiration of the Production Tax Credit. Although this incentive, which was renewed early in December 2014, sought to benefit wind power generators, it did not have any worthwhile positive impact on the industry in practicality, as it gave investors very little time to meet its eligibility requirements. As such, the US wind sector may not be in as healthy a condition as President Obama recently claimed.”


E.ON reaches major milestone in North Sea offshore wind power project

After a construction period of one year, E.ON’s Amrumbank West offshore wind power project is taking shape: On Sunday, the first of 80 wind turbines was successfully installed at the construction site, 35 kilometers to the north of the island of Helgoland.

The hub height of the 3.6 megawatt turbine manufactured by Siemens is 90 meters above water level; the rotor diameter is 120 meters. With a height of 150 meters, the rotor tip is nearly as high as the Cathedral of Cologne. Carrier vessels transport the components of 7 wind turbines from the Port of Esbjerg in Denmark to the deep-sea construction site Amrumbank West. To reduce transit times from the base ports of Esbjerg, Helgoland or Cuxhaven to the wind farm, E.ON has chartered a hotel ship. Employees work in shifts of 14 days.
Immediately after the installation of the components, the turbines are prepared for operation. At the same time, commissioning work is being carried out on the transformer substation of the Amrumbank West wind farm. “We are confident that we will soon be able to feed electricity generated by the first turbines into the public grid as planned”, said Dominik Schwegmann, lead project manager of Amrumbank West.
The operation and maintenance of the wind farm will be managed from Helgoland. For this purpose, E.ON has built an operations and maintenance base on the island. Amrumbank West is scheduled to be completed and commissioned in autumn 2015. With a total capacity of 288 megawatts, the wind farm can supply electricity to as many as 300,000 households. This will help to cut over 740,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually. Capital expenditures on the project will be total about €1 billion.

Google to use NextEra wind energy to power HQ

Google will partner with Juno Beach-based NextEra Energy Resources to power buildings at its California headquarters, the company announced Wednesday.

The subsidiary of NextEra Energy will repower a wind farm in the Bay Area that will provide 43 megawatts of electricity starting in 2016. That energy will feed into Google buildings in Mountain View, California.

"Once the installation is complete, and the 370 legacy turbines are replaced, it will take just 24 new ones to generate as much power as our campus uses in a year," wrote David Radcliffe, Google's vice president of real estate and workplace services.

The cost of the project was not announced, and a NextEra Energy Resources representative did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

NextEra Energy Resources focuses on renewable energy, with wind and solar projects across the U.S. and Canada. The company signed contracts for about 1,400 megawatts of new renewables projects in 2014, CFO Moray Dewhurst said in a fourth-quarter earnings call.

NextEra Energy is also Florida Power & Light's parent company and recently agreed to acquire Honolulu-based Hawaiian Electric Industries (NYSE: HE) for $4.3 billion.

NextEra Energy is South Florida's fourth-largest public company, according to Business Journal research. The company reported $17 billion in 2014 revenue, compared to $15.1 billion in 2013.

Eólica marina: E.ON instala los primeros aerogeneradores de Siemens en su parque eólico Amrumbank West

Los aerogeneradores eólicos de 3,6 MW y fa­bri­cados por Siemens, se sitúan a 90 me­tros por en­cima del nivel del mar y cuenta con un rotor de 120 me­tros de diá­me­tro.

La al­tura total hasta la punta del aeroge­ne­rador eólico es de 150 me­tros, casi la misma al­tura que la Catedral de Colonia, señala E.ON en una nota.
E.ON ha instalado la primera turbina del parque eólico marino de Amrumbank West, situado en el Mar del Norte y con una capacidad prevista de 288 megavatios (MW), anunció la compañía en una nota de prensa.
Vattenfall inaugurates 150 MW Ormonde offshore wind farm
Tras un año desde el inicio de la cons­truc­ción del com­plejo, el pa­sado do­mingo se ins­taló con éxito la pri­mera de las 80 tur­binas con las que con­tará el par­que, si­tuado a 35 ki­ló­me­tros al norte de la isla de Helgoland.
eólica marina offshore_ewea
Los bu­ques pueden trans­portar los com­po­nentes de siete tur­binas desde el puerto de Esbjerg en Dinamarca hasta el punto de cons­truc­ción en alta mar en Amrumbank West.
Para re­ducir los tiempos de trán­sito de los puertos base de Esbjerg, Helgoland o Cuxhavenal hasta el parque eó­lico, E.ON ha fle­tado un barco hotel en el que tra­bajan los em­pleados en turnos de 14 de días.
Las tur­binas están pre­pa­radas para fun­cionar in­me­dia­ta­mente des­pués de la ins­ta­la­ción de los com­po­nen­tes. Asimismo, se está tra­ba­jando en pa­ra­lelo en la puesta en marcha desde la sub­es­ta­ción del par­que.
"Estamos se­guros de que pronto se­remos ca­paces de in­yectar la elec­tri­cidad ge­ne­rada por las pri­meras tur­binas en la red pú blica de su­mi­nis­tro, tal y como es­taba pre­vis­to", in­dicó el di­rector del pro­yecto, Dominik Schweg-mann.


Uruguay apuesta a estar entre los países con mayor penetración eólica del mundo

Durante la entrevista, Casaravilla explicó que el sistema eólica uruguayo es destacada a nivel internacional y que se aspira a alcanzar un 30 % de penetración eólica en el total de la producción energética. 

Este nivel actualmente lo tiene únicamente Dinamarca a nivel mundial, que es el país con mayor penetración de la energía eólica.
Tras enumerar los logros y desafíos a nivel energético, el titular de UTE remarcó que se está en el medio del proceso definido años atrás para la completa transformación de la producción.
Sobre los modos de promoción de parques eólicas, Casaravilla explicó que se buscó promover emprendimientos privados y públicos, aunque con la idea de que la mayor parte del negocio "no puede quedar en manos privadas". 


Reliance Power to develop 6,000MW of solar power in Rajasthan, India

Reliance Power Ltd on Thursday announced that it has signed an accord with the government of Rajasthan to develop 6,000 megawatts (MW) of solar power projects in the state over the next 10 years. 

Reliance Power is currently developing a 100MW solar power plant in Rajasthan through its wholly owned subsidiary Rajasthan Sun Technique Energy Pvt. Ltd, which was awarded the project in December 2010. The project is situated at Pokhran, in Jaisalmer district. 
“The CSP (concentrated solar power) plant is expected to generate about 250 million kilowatt hours of clean and green energy annually, equivalent to consumption of 230,000 households,” the firm said in the release. This is also the largest plant in the world based on compact linear fresnel technology (CLFR), the firm said. The project is financed through debt from multilateral agencies like the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Export Import Bank of the US, Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden NV (FMO), Netherlands and Axis Bank Ltd.

Electric Vehicles for Construction, Agriculture and Mining 2015-2025

Electric vehicles for construction, agriculture and mining will be a $30 billion market in 2025. Komatsu, John Deere, Caterpillar, and others manufacture the big vehicles - mainly hybrid - while other manufacturers offer smaller, pure-electric versions.

Pure electric is a legal requirement indoors. Outdoors, fuel saving and better performance attracts. Cranes and man lifters have many applications. Their production volumes are larger than most people realise. So it is with the electric versions set for 253,000 to be sold in 2025.

This is an industry about to change radically. For example, in mining, over 90% of the world's mines are open cast. They are often in remote places up to 4000 meters above sea level, where shipping diesel can cost more than buying it. Consequently, there is now a move to have 350 kW giant haul trucks working the floor and separately the top of the mine with electric rail-veyors lifting the ore from bottom to top. In an all-electric solution new pollution laws can be met, image improved and money saved, the electricity coming from the mine's own wind turbines and photovoltaics. Battery swapping and fast charging of those batteries means 350 kWh batteries suffice - big but no larger than those in other EV sectors.

The new report explains all this and gives detailed forecasts, comparisons and assessments. It shows how mines will electrify much more but only after the current bust period of the boom-and-bust that characterises this industry. It shows why the ubiquitous tractor in agriculture will, at last, be electric in volume quantities by 2025 and how new forms of vehicle design are coming. Benchmarking from the 37 categories of electric vehicle that IDTechEx forecasts, the report explains what new technologies will arrive and why. Supercapacitors, new power components, greater modularisation and integration will transform this industry. The report draws on interviews and results of many recent conferences on these sectors.
Download the full report: https://www.reportbuyer.com/product/2464293/

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