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Sólo cuatro países de la UE instalan menos potencia eólica en 2014 que España

La energía eólica dio muestras de buena salud en la Unión Europea en 2014, con 11.791 MW nuevos megavatios eólicos –un 5,3% más que el año anterior–, hasta alcanzar una capacidad acumulada de 128,8 GW, según los datos de la Asociación Europea de Energía Eólica (EWEA). De los 22 países que instalaron nueva potencia en el año, sólo cuatro estuvieron por debajo de España: Bulgaria, República Checa, Lituania y Estonia. Por el contrario, Alemania y Reino Unido, considerados un ejemplo por su política industrial y energética, acapararon el 59,5% de las nuevas instalaciones (ver ranking).

Potencia eólica instalada por países en Europa en 2014
Según el informe de EWEA, “2014 muestra el impacto negativo de la incertidumbre política, regulatoria y de mercado que invade Europa, con marcos legislativos inestables frenando las inversiones en eólica”. España es el mejor ejemplo de esta situación: según datos de la Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE), la potencia instalada eólica ha aumentado en tan solo 27,48 MW en 2014, el menor crecimiento en veinte años, como consecuencia de la inseguridad jurídica introducida por la Reforma Energética.

Dado además que el Gobierno no ha convocado aún subastas para la puesta en marcha de nueva potencia eólica, cabría pensar que su objetivo es que en los próximos años España siga quedándose al margen de un mercado en el que en Europa se han invertido un máximo de 18.700 millones de euros sólo en 2014. Sin embargo, a la vista de la Planificación Energética del Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo para cumplir los objetivos europeos de consumo a través de energías renovables en 2020, sería necesario instalar entre 4.553 y 6.473 MW eólicos en seis años e invertir entre 6.000 y 8.700 millones de euros. A juicio de AEE, esto es imposible con una regulación retroactiva que permite modificar las condiciones económicas cada seis años sin que se conozca la metodología que se utilizará.

Sin embargo, en la memoria del borrador de Real Decreto por el que se modifican distintas disposiciones del sector eléctrico (en tramitación) el Ministerio dice haber detectado “la existencia de un número muy significativo de nuevos proyectos de generación de energía eléctrica, fundamentalmente de energías renovables”, por lo que ha decidido pedir garantías financieras de 20.000 euros por megavatio a todos los proyectos que soliciten el acceso a la red. Pero hay que tener en cuenta que los proyectos que en su día solicitaron conexión a la red lo hicieron cuando era gratuito, esperando que en el futuro se diesen de nuevo las condiciones adecuadas para invertir en el sector. Es poco probable que con las nuevas condiciones regulatorias los proyectos que realizaron las solicitudes en su día salgan adelante hoy.

En lo que se refiere al resto del mundo, el Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) ha hecho públicas sus cifras, que muestran que después del parón de 2013, 2014 ha sido un año récord: se instalaron 51.477 MW eólicos en el mundo, lo que supone un aumento del 44% y sitúa la potencia instalada total en 369,55 GW.

China sigue siendo la locomotora mundial, con 23.351 nuevos megavatios eólicos, lo que supone el 45% de todo el crecimiento mundial. India fue el segundo país asiático que más instaló, con 2.315 MW. Esto sitúa a Asia como el mercado de mayor crecimiento de la eólica en el mundo: en 2014 se instalaron 26.161 MW. En Estados Unidos, otro de los mercados hacia los que mira España, se instalaron 4.854 MW en el año.

Es decir, que España sigue ocupando la cuarta posición del mundo y la segunda de Europa por potencia eólica instalada. Pero corre el riesgo de perder el liderazgo si el resto de países apuestan por fuerza por el sector mientras España fomenta su parálisis.

General Motors sumará energía eólica en México


Por primera vez en la historia, General Motors utilizará energía eólica en sus operaciones de manufactura, permitiendo a una de sus instalaciones en México operar mayormente con energías renovables.

Por primera vez en la historia, General Motors utilizará energía eólica en sus operaciones de manufactura, permitiendo a una de sus instalaciones en México operar mayormente con energías renovables.
Esta adición de 34 megavatios de energía eólica permitirá que GM logre su objetivo corporativo de uso de energías renovables cuatro años antes.
Cuando el proyecto eólico esté concluido, más del 12 por ciento del consumo de energía de GM en Norteamérica vendrá de fuentes de energía renovable; es decir, 9 por ciento por encima del uso actual de energía renovable de la compañía –energía solar, gas de relleno y energía de desechos-, un total de 104 megavatios, comparado con el objetivo de 125 megavatios para el 2020. El uso de energía limpia reduce las emisiones de gas de efecto invernadero y el impacto de GM en el cambio climático.
Eólica en México: Enel Green Power
Eólica en México: Enel Green Power
Setenta y cinco por ciento de la energía proveniente de las turbinas eólicas alimentará al Complejo Toluca de 42 mil m2, convirtiéndolo en el mayor usuario de energía renovable de la compañía. La capacidad remanente contribuirá alimentando a los Complejos de Silao, San Luis Potosí y Ramos Arizpe. El uso de energía renovable ayudará a estas localidades a evitar la emisión de casi 40 mil toneladas de dióxido de carbono anualmente.
“Nuestro compromiso con los procesos de manufactura sustentables es una manera en la que servimos y mejoramos las comunidades en las que trabajamos y vivimos”, dijo Jim DeLuca, Vicepresidente Global de Manufactura de GM. “Utilizando más energía renovable para alimentar nuestras plantas, ayudamos a reducir costos, minimizar riesgos y dejar una huella de carbono más pequeña”.
GM firmó un acuerdo de compra de energía con Enel Green Power, para consumir la producción de uno de los proyectos de energía eólica pertenecientes a esta compañía italiana de fuentes renovables.
“México es una ubicación ideal para nuestro primer proyecto eólico”, dijo Rob Threlkeld, Gerente Global de Energía Renovable de GM. “La energía es alimentada a una red nacional, haciendo más fácil la reducción o incremento de la capacidad energética en una localidad. También hay un caso de negocio, dado que el precio de la energía tradicional es alrededor de un tercio mayor que en los Estados Unidos”.
“Una vez en línea, evaluaremos el proyecto para entender mejor cómo podemos ampliar el uso de la energía eólica”.
GM es miembro fundador del Business Renewables Center, una plataforma colaborativa lanzada a principios de este mes por el Rocky Mountain Institute. El objetivo del centro es acelerar la adquisición de energía renovable corporativa con una meta de casi el doble de la capacidad de energía eólica y solar en Estados Unidos para el 2025. Esto es parte de un esfuerzo mayor – el Corporate Renewables Partnership – el cual incluye la World Wildlife Foundation, el World Resources Institute y Business for Social Responsibility. Los “Principios de los Compradores de Energía Renovable”, de los cuales GM es entidad firmante, establecen un marco para la colaboración y guiarán al Business Renwables Center.

Más energías renovables para Chile: 749 MW de energía solar y eólica

La generación eléctrica de energías renovables estará liderada por la inyección de energía solar fotovoltaica, termosolar, eólica e hidráulica.

Según detalla el último análisis de Systep, para los próximos 12 meses se espera que entren en operación 749 MW de nueva capacidad de energías renovables, los que estarían desglosados de esta manera: 406,1 MW energía solar, 174,6 MW eólica, 146,3 MW hídricos, y 22 MW de biomasa.
 Chile csp termosolar abengoa
De las inyecciones de energía de Energías Renovables No Convencionales (ERNC) de diciembre, la mayor parte fue generada por las centrales eólicas alcanzando un 38%, seguida por centrales hidráulicas con un 23% y por solares y biomasa, donde cada una obtuvo un 20%.
Desde los próximos 12 meses comenzará el reinado solar, esto debido a los proyectos que están en construcción y en carpeta. Por esta razón, es difícil que en  un futuro cercano sea superada debido a la gran cantidad de iniciativas vinculadas a este tipo de energía. Las que van desde la construcción de la planta solar más grande de Latinoamérica, hasta el primer centro de estudio para la energía solar fotovoltaica del continente.
Eólica en Chile: Presidenta Bachelet inaugura parque eólico con aerogeneradores de Acciona.
Eólica en Chile: Presidenta Bachelet inaugura parque eólico con aerogeneradores de Acciona.
Análisis del SIC
Por su parte, el informe indica que la operación del Sistema Interconectado Central (SIC) se caracterizó por una menor participación hidráulica con respecto a diciembre, disminuyendo de un 54% a un 43% sumando las centrales de pasada y embalses. La menor disponibilidad hídrica fue producto de la falta de recursos hídricos, sumado a los mantenimientos mayores de las centrales: Ventanas 1 y 2 (120 MW y 150 MW), Santa Fe (67,2 MW) y Guacolda 2 (152 MW), produjo que durante enero la participación de gas natural licuado (GNL) aumentara de un 10% a un 18%, y la diésel de 1% a 4% respecto al mes anterior. Sólo la generación a carbón se mantuvo.
sunedison fotovoltaica Chile
Según las proyecciones de costos marginales que realiza la consultora, en 2015 se esperan condiciones de operaciones excepcionales en el SIC, debido a que la central El Toro de Endesa operará con su generación limitada entre mayo y noviembre para cumplir un acuerdo con los regantes del lago Laja; la central San Isidro no podrá funcionar a plena capacidad debido a restricciones de agua, por lo que Endesa arrendó a AES Gener la central Nueva Renca para quemar los excedentes de gas natural. A esto se le tiene que sumar la paralización en curso de la central Bocamina II de Endesa.

Micro grid photovoltaic solar energy plants in Fiji

Foreign Minister Shaikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan on Wednesday inaugurated a solar photovoltaic micro grid project that brings clean energy to some of Fiji’s outer islands.

The solar plants, constructed by Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company Masdar, have combined total capacity of 555 kilowatts (kW) and will provide more than 40 per cent of the daily electricity demand of each of three islands. The energy produced will collectively avoid emitting 722 tonnes of CO2 each year and save 259,000 liters of diesel fuel worth $497,000 annually.
“The UAE is committed to demonstrating how renewable energy can provide clean power and spur economic development while mitigating climate change, particularly for Pacific Island countries. We commend Masdar and ADFD on successfully completing solar micro grids that will help Fiji meet its electricity needs in a more sustainable manner,” said Shaikh Abdullah, at the inauguration that took place in the town of Nadi, on Fiji’s main island.
The clean energy project is the third financed by the UAE’s $50 million Pacific Partnership Fund, through the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD). The Fiji project was financed with $5 million from the UAE-Pacific Partnership Fund, which was launched in March 2013 to support development renewable energy projects across a number of Pacific islands.
“The UAE and Fiji have a strong bilateral relationship, and we thank the government of the UAE for funding, developing and delivering this important and valuable project. The micro grids will provide electricity for homes as well as help produce clean energy to develop small-scale industries and enterprises in these remote islands,” said Voreqe Bainimarama, Prime Minister of Fiji, at the inaugural event.
The three new solar micro grid projects include a 249kW solar plant in Kadavu Island, a 153kW solar plant in Lakeba Island and a 153kW solar plant in Rotuma Island.
“We are proud that the UAE-Pacific Partnership Fund could play a role in bringing clean, sustainable power to Fiji with the inauguration of the solar-powered grids. The UAE, through the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, is committed to helping promote economic development in countries around the world,” said Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi, director-general of the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development.
 Masdar has established a solid track record in the Pacific Islands, completing a 500kW solar plant on the Kingdom of Tonga’s island of Vava’u, commissioned in November 2013, and a 550kW wind farm on Samoa, commissioned in August 2014. The UAE-Pacific Partnership Fund financed both projects. “Fiji’s new solar-powered grids are a prime example of how renewable energy can be a cost-effective way of producing low-carbon power for Pacific Island countries. As a leading developer of innovative renewable energy projects, Masdar is proud to deliver sustainable solutions that provide greater clean access to energy and accelerate economic development globally,” said Dr Ahmad Belhoul, CEO of Masdar.
The Pacific Island projects address the high cost of diesel imports in Pacific countries, as well as delivering reductions in CO2 emissions. Research from the International Renewable Energy Agency indicates that renewable energy is now the most cost-competitive source of power in the Pacific Islands.

Siemens provides 157 wind turbines for three wind power projects in South Africa

Siemens has secured another large wind power contract in South Africa with an order for 157 wind turbines for three projects in the South Africa province of Northern Cape. The 2.3 megawatt (MW) machines of the Siemens G2 platform will be installed at the wind power plants Khobab, Loeriesfontein 2 and Noupoort. The customer, a consortium led by Mainstream Renewable Power, had just commissioned Jeffrey's Bay Wind Farm in the middle of last year – also partnering with Siemens Wind Power. The new contract includes a service and maintenance agreement for a period of 10 years.

Consortium led by Mainstream Renewable Power orders 157 Siemens SWT-2.3-108 wind turbines for three projects.
The three wind power plants have a combined generation capacity of 360 MW. The 140 MW Khobab wind farm and the 140 MW Loeriesfontein 2 wind farm, are both located in the Namakwa District Municipality, and the 80 MW Noupoort wind farm is located in Umsobomvu Local Municipality, 400 kilometers north of Port Elizabeth. All projects will be equipped with the Siemens SWT-2.3-108 wind turbine with a rotor diameter of 108 meters and towers with a hub height of 99.5 meters. Turbine installation will start in August 2015. Commissioning of the three projects is scheduled from early 2016 to the end of 2017. The towers will be sourced primarily in South Africa.
"We are pleased to be working as a partner again in major projects with Mainstream Renewable Power," said Markus Tacke, CEO of the Siemens Division Wind Power and Renewables. "This order also clearly demonstrates that, with its Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPP), South Africa is on a successful path for achieving the governments stated goal of installing 3,725 megawatts of renewable energy capacity."
Wind power and energy service are part of Siemens' Environmental Portfolio. Around 46 percent of its total revenue stems from green products and solutions. That makes Siemens one of the world's leading providers of eco-friendly technology.

Siemens suministra 157 aerogeneradores para proyectos de energía eólica en Sudáfrica

Siemensha conseguidootro grancontrato deenergía eólicaen Sudáfricacon un pedido de157turbinas eólicas paratresproyectos  eólicosenla provinciadeSudáfricaNorthern Cape.

Los aerogeneradores de 2,3megavatios(MW) dela plataformaG2Siemensserán instalados enlas centrales de energía eólicaKhobab,Loeriesfontein2yNoupoort.
El cliente, un consorcio liderado porMainstreamRenewable Power, había encargado el Parque Eólico Bay Jeffrey. El nuevo contratoincluye uncontrato de servicio ymantenimiento por un periodode10 años.

Wind energy in Sweden: Vestas wins 33 MW wind power order for V126-3.3 MW wind turbines

Vestas has received a firm and unconditional order for 10 V126-3.3 MW turbines for the Maevaara 2 wind power plant. The order also includes the first Vestas De-icing System for the V126-3.3 MW.
The order was placed by Nordic renewable energy developer OX2. The wind power plant will be in northern Sweden. This project is the second in Sweden to utilise the V126-3.3 MW turbine model. Turbine delivery is planned to begin in the second quarter of 2016 with installation during second and third quarter of 2016. 

The contract includes supply, installation and commissioning of 10 V126-3.3 MW turbines, along with a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution and a 15-year full-scope service agreement (AOM 5000), which was signed with Allianz Capital Partners, the Allianz Group's in-house investment division for alternative investments.  Allianz, with a combined generation capacity of more than 1,200 MW, is one of the world's largest financial investors in renewable energy and has recently purchased the Maevaara 2 wind power plant from OX2.
“We're very pleased to be installing Vestas V126-3.3MW turbines at the extension to the Maevaara project and look forward to working closely with Vestas to ensure optimal through-life operational performance”, states David Jones, Head of Renewable Energy at Allianz Capital Partners.
“The new V126-3.3 MW with de-icing is a good match for the Nordic environment and ensures that the site is utilised in an optimal way”, says Paul Stormoen, CEO of OX2 Wind. "We are very pleased with our long-term relationship with Vestas and are looking forward to work together on this project.                  
“Sweden is an increasingly important renewable energy market. Vestas’ ability to offer leading technology solutions such as the V126-3.3 MW and the Vestas De-icing System provides our customers there with a competitive value proposition for generating more energy on low wind sites”, says Klaus Steen Mortensen, President of Vestas Northern Europe. “Vestas is very pleased to continue our successful partnership with OX2 and Allianz Capital Partners realizing this wind energy project.”
Today, Vestas has delivered about 1,500 wind turbines totalling more than 2,400 MW to Sweden. 
Easily serviceable from within the hub and inside the blade, VDS does not require electrical components to be installed in the blade’s leading edge. While enhancing the system’s robustness, it also keeps the system at low risk from lightning damage. VDS is designed to de-ice the outer profile of the blade focusing on the tip end to ensure maximum efficiency of regaining power production after ice buildup occurs. VDS is fully integrated with Vestas’ control systems and can be tailored to the customer’s de-icing strategy. The system can be triggered automatically or manually, ensuring customers have full monitoring control of the system. Vestas has received more than 200 MW of firm and unconditional orders for turbines with the VDS system, which is available for V112-3.3 MW, V117-3.3 MW, and V126-3.3 MW.
OX2 develops, constructs, finances and manages renewable energy projects in the Nordic region. The company is a driving force in the transition towards a sustainable energy sector, offering financial investors as well as large energy users the opportunity to invest in and own renewable energy plants. OX2 has realised a significant part of the large-scale onshore wind power projects in the Nordic region. The group has operations in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Poland. 


Eólica marina: parque eólico con 400 aerogeneradores en Reino Unido

El Secretario de Estado de Energía y Cambio Climático del Reino Unido, Edward Davey, autorizó el proyecto eólico Dogger Bank Creyke Beck.

Desde su inauguración en 2012, el mayor parque eólico marino del mundo es el London Array (a unos 20 kilómetros de la costa de Kent, Reino Unido), que cuenta con 175 aerogeneradores que suman una potencia instalada de 630 megawatios.
eólica marina offshore_ewea
El proyecto Dogger Bank Creyke Beck, en cambio, incluye dos parques eólicos continguos (A y B) que sumarían más de 400 aerogeneradores y 2,4 gigawatios de potencia instalada (casi cuatro veces más que el London Array). En condiciones normales de funcionamiento, el nuevo proyecto eólico podría suministrar la electricidad que consumen unas dos millones de familias británicas, según los promotores de este parque eólico marino (parque off-shore, según la denominación técnica).
Además del suministro de las turbinas eólicas, Siemens se encargará, junto con DONG Energy, del mantenimiento del proyecto eólico durante un período de cinco años. El parque de energía eólica marina Anholt ha sido inaugurada oficialmente y se ha convertido en el mayor proyecto eólico de Dinamarca. Siemens ha suministrado e instalado 111 aerogeneradores, cada uno con una capacidad de 3,6 megavatios (MW) y un diámetro de rotor de 120 metros. Las empresas eólicas impulsoras del proyecto son la compañía eléctrica danesa DONG Energy (50%) y los fondos de pensiones, Pension Danmark (30%) y PKA (20%). La capacidad de generación eléctrica total del parque eólico marina es de 400 megavatios y será suficiente para abastecer de electricidad limpia a unos 400.000 hogares daneses lo que supone un 4% de la demanda total de energía de Dinamarca. La central de energía eólica marina Anholt está situada frente a la costa oriental de Dinamarca, a unos 20 kilómetros al noreste de la península de Jutlandia. En nueve meses, Siemens instaló los 111 aerogeneradores en una superficie de 88 kilómetros cuadrados a una profundidad de 19 metros. “A pesar de las difíciles condiciones climáticas, hemos ejecutado a tiempo y con éxito el proyecto de energía eólica marina Anholt”, afirma Markus Tacke, CEO de la División de Wind Power de Siemens Energy. Para Siemens, Anholt es ya la quinta planta de energía eólica en alta mar que se inaugura de manera oficial en unas pocas semanas. El pasado julio y agosto, se dio el pistoletazo de salida a London Array, la mayor planta eólica marina del mundo (630 MW), además de las plantas Greater Gabbard (504 MW) y Lincs (270 MW) en Gran Bretaña. En Alemania, la primera planta comercial de energía eólica marina en el Mar del Norte, Riffgat (108 MW), inició su andadura oficial en agosto. “La implantación de nuestros proyectos eólicos marinos en Europa corre a toda velocidad”, afirma Tacke. “Hasta ahora, Siemens ha instalado más de 3.900 megavatios de energía eólica marina. Nuestros proyectos están consiguiendo la magnitud de las centrales eléctricas de combustibles fósiles y nos estamos esforzando por industrializar la energía offshore, lo que reduce aún más los costes de la energía eólica marina”, agregó Tacke. Siemens es líder en el mercado de plantas de energía eólica marinas, conexiones de red y de servicios offshore. Hasta la fecha, se han instalado turbinas que generan una capacidad total de 3,9 gigavatios (GW). En la actualidad, Siemens tiene previsto proyectos offshore que alcanzarán los 5 GW. Incluyendo el proyecto eólico de Anholt, Siemens ya ha instalado con éxito nueve plantas de energía eólica en alta mar con una capacidad de producción de casi 1,1 GW. El gobierno danés tiene previsto cubrir con energía eólica la mitad de la demanda eléctrica del país para 2020. En 2012, la energía eólica ya representaba aproximadamente el 30% de la electricidad generada en Dinamarca. El objetivo es abandonar los combustibles fósiles en 2050. http://www.evwind.es/2013/09/04/denmarks-largest-offshore-wind-farm-is-inaugurated/35592 http://santamarta-florez.blogspot.com.es/2013/09/denmarks-largest-offshore-wind-farm-is.html http://santamarta-florez.blogspot.com.es/2013/09/eolica-en-dinamarca-inaguran-parque.html
Eólica marina en Dinamarca: aerogeneradores de Siemens para el mayor parque eólico
El proyecto Dogger Bank Creyke Beck está promovido por el consorcio privado británico Forewind, del cual forman parte las empresas RWE, SSE, Statkraft y Statoil. La zona marina donde serían instalados los aerogeneradores está situada a unos 130 kilómetros de la costa de Yorkshire y Humberside.
La autorización urbanística aprobada por el gobierno británico ha estado precedida de complejo estudio de impacto ambiental y supone un paso importante en el proyecto Dogger Bank Creyke Beck pero no el único ni el último.

Revenue from Electric Vehicle Charging Services is Expected to Reach $2.9 Billion Annually by 2023

A new report from Navigant Research analyzes the global market for PEV charging equipment sales and charging services, including global market forecasts for residential and commercial charging system unit sales and revenue from charging services through 2023.

The market for plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) charging equipment (also known as electric vehicle supply equipment, or EVSE) is expanding, while experiencing predictable growing pains. With the number of PEVs in use projected to reach 12 million globally by 2023, the market for EV charging services is likely to continue to evolve to respond to growing demand. 
According to a new report from Navigant Research, worldwide revenue from charging services is expected to grow from $152.6 million annually in 2015 to $2.9 billion by 2023.
“Sales of EV charging systems are expected to grow steadily in the coming years, surpassing 2.5 million by 2023,” says Lisa Jerram, principal research analyst with Navigant Research. “That represents a significant market for providers of charging systems, but the market landscape and the business models, particularly for commercial charging, are yet to be fully defined.”
Residential chargers are increasingly a commodity, competing more on price than on innovative features, according to the report, making the market for commercial chargers (defined as installations outside vehicle owners’ residences) the most dynamic and the most uncertain. Public chargers continue to spread, and workplace charging is picking up. Some charging networks have usage fees, some charge via subscription, and some companies offer EV charging as a free service to entice customers or as an employee perk. Automakers and utilities are moving to the forefront in the financing and build-out of EV charging networks, the report concludes.
The report, “Electric Vehicle Charging Services,” analyzes the global market for PEV charging equipment sales and charging services. The report covers the residential and commercial charging market segments and analyzes the potential uptake of alternating current (AC), direct current (DC), and wireless electric vehicle charging equipment. Global market forecasts for residential and commercial EVSE unit sales and revenue, broken out by region, charger type, and segment (residential, workplace, public, and private), extend through 2023. Forecasts of revenue from charging services and electricity demand are also included. The report also examines the different regional drivers and business models related to PEV charging and the key industry players within the competitive landscape. An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download on the Navigant Research website.


Jordan awards 200 MW renewable energy projects, wind power and photovoltaic

Jordan has awarded a total of 200 megawatts (MW) to project developers, including a 52.5MW solar photovoltaic project, as part of its first renewable energy tender, according to a report.

The power purchased agreement for the 52.5MW Shams Ma’an project was signed between the project developers and the National Electric Power Company (Nepco) of Jordan, said the Amman News Daily report.

The project will sell electricity at a tariff of $0.148 per kWh; other solar power projects will sell electricity at $0.169 per kWh, it said.

The project will be jointly developed by Qatar’s Nebras Power, Diamond Generating Europe (a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation), and Jordan’s Kawar Group.

Nebras and Diamond Generating will have 35 per cent stake each in the project, while Kawar Group will own 30 per cent stake in the project. The debt financing for the project will be provided by Nippon Export and Investment Insurance, Mizuho Bank, Japan for International Cooperation, and Standard Chartered Bank, said the report.

Apart from a total of 12 solar PV projects, two wind energy projects were also allocated through this first tender. The power purchase agreements for the wind projects have been signed at $0.12 per kWh, it added.

Pattern Development JV with CEMEX expands wind energy and solar power in Mexico

Pattern Energy Group Inc. (NASDAQ: PEGI) (TSX: PEG) ("Pattern Energy"), today announced that its parent company, Pattern Energy Group LP ("Pattern Development"), signed a joint venture agreement with CEMEX Energia, a subsidiary of CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V. ("CEMEX") (NYSE: CX). The CEMEX Energia/Pattern Development JV will jointly develop renewable energy projects throughout Mexico.

  • Pattern Development forms JV with CEMEX Energia in Mexico
  • Expands wind and solar project development in Mexico
  • Increases pipeline of development projects, which are subject to Pattern Energy's ROFO rights
"Through this strategic partnership with CEMEX Energia, Pattern Development has set a goal of jointly developing 1,000 megawatts of renewable generation in Mexico over the next five years," said Mike Garland, President and CEO of Pattern Energy. "Mexico is a natural expansion market due to Pattern Development's headquarters in Houston and its team's experience in developing over 1,000 megawatts of wind projects in California, New Mexico and Texas. We enter the rapidly growing renewable energy market in Mexico with a strong and experienced local partner in CEMEX, a global leader in building materials with a successful track record of developing projects in Mexico."
"We are very enthusiastic about Mexico's energy sector future, and we will leverage our experience in developing projects that benefit the country," said Fernando A. Gonzalez, CEO of CEMEX.
"We are very pleased to sign this joint venture with Pattern Development that will help us leverage the use of our knowledge to continue our industry-leading expertise in the use of clean energy and alternative fuels," said Luis Far as, CEMEX Vice-President of Energy.
Recent reforms in Mexican energy laws, including a mandate for 35% of generation to come from clean resources by 2024, create significant opportunities for development of Mexico's substantial wind and solar resources.
Pattern Development owns approximately 25% of Pattern Energy, which has the right of first offer (ROFO) to acquire projects developed by Pattern Development. Pattern Energy maintains a list of identified ROFO projects, which represent near-term acquisition opportunities. The ROFO list represents a portion of Pattern Development's 4,500 MW pipeline of development projects, all of which are subject to Pattern Energy's right of first offer.
CEMEX is a global building materials company that provides high-quality products and reliable services to customers and communities in more than 50 countries. CEMEX has a rich history of improving the well-being of those it serves through innovative building solutions, efficiency advancements, and efforts to promote a sustainable future.
Pattern Energy Group LP (Pattern Development) is a leader in developing renewable energy and transmission assets. With a long history in wind energy, Pattern Development's highly-experienced team has developed, financed and placed into operation more than 3,500 MW of wind power projects. A strong commitment to promoting environmental stewardship drives the Company's dedication in working closely with communities to create premier renewable energy projects. Pattern Development has offices in San Francisco, San Diego, Houston, New York, Toronto, Santiago, Chile, and Tokyo, Japan.
Pattern Energy Group Inc. (Pattern Energy) is an independent power company listed on the NASDAQ ("PEGI") and Toronto Stock Exchange ("PEG"). Pattern Energy has a portfolio of 12 wind power projects, with a total owned interest of 1,636 MW, in the United States, Canada and Chile that use proven, best-in-class technology. Pattern Energy's wind power projects generate stable long-term cash flows in attractive markets and provide a solid foundation for the continued growth of the business. 

Cemex instalará 1.000 megavatios de eólica y energía solar en México

La división Cemex Energía firmó una asociación con Pattern Development, un socio respaldado por Riverstone, con el que instalará proyectos de energías renovables en México y compartirá los costos de su desarrollo.

La alianza entre firmas se fijó la meta de desarrollar conjuntamente 1.000 megavatios de generación con energías renovables en los próximos cinco años.
“México es un mercado de expansión natural debido a nuestras operaciones en Houston y la experiencia de nuestro equipo en el desarrollo de más de 1,000 megavatios de proyectos eólicos en California, Nuevo México y Texas”, manifestó el presidente y director general de Pattern Development, Mike Garland.
La cementera mexicana Cemex creó una división de energía para desarrollar proyectos en México y suministrar entre 3 y 5% de las necesidades de electricidad del país en los próximos cinco años.
“Estamos muy entusiasmados acerca del futuro del sector energía y nos apoyaremos en nuestra experiencia en desarrollar proyectos en beneficio de nuestro país”, dijo el director general Fernando González, según un comunicado de la empresa difundido este jueves.
Esta división de la cementera tendrá la opción de adquirir participaciones minoritarias en los proyectos de energía desarrollados por la alianza.
Cemex aclaró que no consolidará los proyectos de esta nueva empresa conjunta y cualquier deuda contraída para financiar sus proyectos no tendrá ningún impacto en la cementera.
Destacó además que espera contribuir aproximadamente con 30 millones de dólares a Cemex Energía en los próximos 5 años.

Energías renovables en Brasil: Enel Green Power instalará dos centrales de energía solar fotovoltaica en Pernambuco

Enel Green Power (EGP) anunció hoy la construcción de dos centrales de energía solar fotovoltaica en el municipio de Tacaratu, en Pernambuco, al noreste de Brasil, un proyecto que costará 18 millones de dólares (15,8 millones de euros).

Se trata de la misma zona en la que Enel Green Power posee Fontes dos Ventos, un parque eólico de 80 megavatios (MW) al que serán conectadas estas dos nuevas centrales de energía solar fotovoltaica cuando ya estén construidas.
Brasil licita 500 megavatios de energía solar
Brasil licita 500 megavatios de energía solar
El espacio tendrá una capacidad instalada total de 11 MW y será el mayor parque fotovoltaico de EGP en Brasil.
Energías renovables, energía solar y eólica, las más baratas para generar electricidad.
Energías renovables, energía solar y eólica, las más baratas para generar electricidad.
Una vez en funcionamiento será capaz de generar hasta más de 17 Gigavatios/hora (GWh) al año, es decir, la cantidad equivalente para satisfacer las necesidades de consumo cerca de 90.000 familias brasileñas.
Además, se evitará la emisión a la atmósfera de más de 5.000 toneladas de dióxido de carbono (CO2) al año.


Enel Green Power will build two solar photovoltaic power plants in Brazil

Enel Green Power (EGP) has begun construction on two new photovoltaic plants in the municipality of Tacaratu, Pernambuco State, in northeast Brazil. EGP already owns and operates in the same area the 80 MW “Fontes dos Ventos” wind farm and both solar plants, once completed, will be combined with it.

With a total installed capacity of 11 MW, Fontes Solar I and II will be EGP’s largest photovoltaic complex in Brazil. Once fully operational, their total output will exceed 17 GWh, equivalent to the energy needs of around 90 thousand Brazilian households, thereby avoiding the emission of more than 5 thousand tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.
EGP will be investing a total of approximately 18 million US dollars to construct the plants.
Both solar projects are supported by a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA), awarded to Enel Green Power in December 2013 through a tender process. The energy generated by the plants will be delivered to final customers in Pernambuco State.Enel Green Power is the Enel Group company fully dedicated to the development and management of renewable energy sources at the international level, with operations in Europe, the Americas and Africa. With an annual generation capacity equal to, approximately, 32 billion kWh from water, sun, wind and the Earth’s heat - enough to meet the energy needs of more than 10 million households, Enel Green Power is a world leader in the sector thanks to its well-balanced generation mix, providing generation volumes well over the sector average. As of today, the company has an installed capacity of approximately 9,600 MW from a mix of sources including wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal and biomass. The company has about 740 plants operating in 15 countries.

First Offshore Wind Farm By a Spanish Company

IBERDROLA has achieved another international milestone. Last October 2014 it became the first Spanish company to commission an offshore wind farm:  West of Duddon Sands (WoDS).

Developed by IBERDROLA via its British subsidiary ScottishPower Renewables and in a consortium with Danish firm Dong Energy, this wind farm required a €2 billion investment and was inaugurated two months in advance of the scheduled date.

With an installed capacity of 389 megawatts (MW), IBERDROLA's offshore wind farm is capable of producing enough energy to meet the electricity needs of some 280,000 British homes.

It is equipped with 108 turbines with a unit capacity of 3.6 MW. Over 200 km of cables had to be installed under the sea in order to commission the wind farm. Located 20 km off the coast of Barrow-in-Furness in North West England, WoDS covers an area of about 67 km2.

West of Duddon Sands is at the forefront of the wind power sector in reducing the cost of this technology.   The new terminal built at the port of Belfast, specially designed for the storage and assembly of foundations and wind turbines, was a crucial factor.

Two state-of-the-art ships were used for the installation work at sea (Pacific Orca and Sea Installer). These vessels were built expressly for this type of offshore facilities and their stability enabled the construction of the wind farm during a harsh winter with major storms and strong winds.

The energy produced by the wind turbines is collected in an offshore substation, especially designed by IBERDROLA to withstand the harsh weather conditions in the area.  The voltage is raised at this offshore substation and exported via two undersea cables to the Heysham substation on land, which is the point of connection to the UK grid.

The operation and maintenance centre (also new-build) is located at the port of Barrow-in-Furness. It will provide employment to more than 40 highly qualified operators for at least 20 years.

The UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Ed Davey; the Chairman of IBERDROLA, Ignacio Galán, and the Vice-Chairman of Dong Energy, Samuel Leupold, chaired the inauguration of the wind farm in October.   During this event, Mr. Galán highlighted that this infrastructure "has successfully overcome several technological challenges, demonstrating the United Kingdom's ability to build major renewable energy projects, thanks to its highly-qualified workforce and excellent engineering and to the advanced development of its chain of supply, logistics and facilities”. 

Kazakhstan starts construction of solar power plant

Construction of solar power plant started in Kazakhstan’s Kyzylorda region, the press service of the regional authorities said. The solar power plant will be launched in 2016. 

Its capacity is expected to hit 50 MW. The construction work will be carried by Bas energy company. The investment will reach 65 million tenge (185.05 tenge = $1).
Kyzylorda region's electricity demand is 54 MW.
“The President noted that the energy of the sun and wind should be a key catalyst for the development of innovative economy. Therefore, we must turn Kyzylorda region in "green", clean and energy-efficient region,” head of the region Krymbek Kusherbayev said at the meeting with the heads of foreign companies working in the field of alternative energy.

Inventario Nacional de Energías Renovables en México

El INERE, a través de un sistema de información georreferenciada, con relación al potencial de las distintas fuentes de energías renovables del país, proporciona información sobre el inventario de generación de electricidad, además de contar con mapas de potencial energético a nivel nacional de la eólica, geotérmica, de oleaje, irradiación solar (termosolar y fotovoltaica) y de biomasa, los cuales permiten identificar geográficamente los sitios con mayor potencial para su aprovechamiento.

En el marco de la edición 2014 del Premio GeoSUR, el Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia (IPGH), Organismo Especializado de la Organización de los Estados Americanos, otorgó una Mención de Honor al Inventario Nacional de Energías Renovables (INERE), iniciativa a cargo de la Secretaría de Energía.
Durante la ceremonia de entrega, el Subsecretario de Planeación y Transición Energética, Leonardo Beltrán Rodríguez, señaló que para conocer las oportunidades en el aprovechamiento de las fuentes renovables se requiere del conocimiento de los recursos disponibles y su ubicación en el territorio nacional, que aunado a los instrumentos de promoción y planeación del sector eléctrico, permitirán alcanzar una participación del 35 por ciento en la generación de energía eléctrica con fuentes renovables para el año 2024, establecido en la Ley General de Cambio Climático y en la Ley para el Aprovechamiento de las Energías Renovables y Financiamiento para la Transición Energética.
Mexico-energías renovables
En su intervención, Rodrigo Barriga-Vargas, Secretario General del IPGH, señaló que en la edición 2014 del Premio GeoSUR se postularon más de 15 instituciones de todo el continente y que el INERE se hizo merecedor de una Mención de Honor por la excelencia de la presentación de información geoespacial. Y destacó que sería conveniente que todos los países de la región contaran con herramientas como ésta.
El INERE se presentó ante el Consejo Consultivo para las Energías Renovables en diciembre de 2013.
El Inventario Nacional de Energías Renovables: http://inere.energia.gob.mx

E.on sells 49-MW photovoltaic solar energy business in Italy to F2i

E.ON has sold its Italian solar business to the private infrastructure investment fund manager F2i SGR. F2i has an impressive track record in the solar business in Italy and is committed to the long-term future of the business.

The activities sold comprise a total generating capacity of 49 megawatt and consist of seven ground mounted solar plants that were constructed between 2010 and 2013. The solar plants are located in areas with high irradiation and benefit from favorable solar regimes providing stable cash flows in the long-term. About 70 percent of the capacity is installed on Sardinia.
E.ON and F2i SGR agreed not to disclose the purchase price. The transaction was signed and closed on February 19, 2015.
Based in Milan, F2i is a private infrastructure investment fund manager in Italy and one of Europe’s largest. F2i is fully owned by a group of leading financial institutions. In particular, F2i has been active in the photovoltaic sector in Italy since 2009 as founder of Holding Fotovoltaica (HFV), which currently represents one of the Italian market leaders with 89 megawatt under management.


Photovoltaic industry shipments grew by 15% in 2014 over 2013 to 39.3-GWp from 34.0-GWp

PV industry shipments grew by 15% in 2014 over 2013 to 39.3-GWp from 34.0-GWp the previous year, according to the IDTechEx/SPV Market Research annual supply report Photovoltaic Manufacturer Shipments: Capacity, Production, Prices and Revenues to 2019. 
Supply side inventory was 1.1-GWp at the end of 2014 and demand side inventory decreased by 400-MWp to 2.4-GWp. Defective modules removed from service were ~1.6-GWp at the end of 2014. Thin film shipments (CdTe, CIGS, a-Si) represented 7% of the global total in 2014, heavily weighted by First Solar's CdTe technology. Figure 1 offers PV technology shares for 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. 
During the mid-2000s the European Feed in Tariff incentive model drove strong demand for photovoltaic systems and technologies. This period of strong demand coincided with a shortage of polysilicon processing capability. Constrained capacity of crystalline products and higher prices for available product spurred interest in thin film technologies and investment in these technologies ramped. It was assumed that thin film technologies would eventually be less expensive to manufacture than crystalline technologies, that conversion efficiencies for thin films would improve, and that thin films would take steadily take share from crystalline. 
For a couple of years it appeared that this might be the case. In 2008 thin film technologies had a 14% share, up from 7% in 2006, and in 2009 thin film's share of global shipments increased to 17%. Figure 1 offers photovoltaic technology shares for 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. 
Thin film technologies, in particular, amorphous silicon, once enjoyed a significantly stronger share albeit in a smaller overall market. Amorphous silicon made its commercial market entry in 1982 and from 1982 through 1992 grew at a compound annual rate of 30%. During this same period, the market for all photovoltaic technologies grew by a compound annual rate of 22%. Timing is often everything, and a-Si's commercial debut coincided with the early success of the consumer indoor application (solar powered calculators, watches and other small typically handheld devices). The use of a-Si with its reasonably good performance in low light conditions and liquid crystal displays displaced the former LED (light-emitting diode) displays on early calculator models. By the late 1980, the consumer indoor market was saturated. It rapidly began decreasing. 
 In 2009, the shortage of crystalline module product eased, and prices for crystalline modules began decreasing. This led, almost immediately, to a slowing of demand for thin film technologies. During the mid to late 2000s, new entrants had invested in turnkey thin film manufacturing facilities hoping for a more rapid ramp. This rapid ramp to commercial production did not, by in large, happen and with the price of higher conversion efficiency crystalline product decreasing rapidly the competitive position of thin film technologies began to diminish. The exception to the eroding share for thin film technologies is First Solar with its CdTe technology. First Solar currently primarily uses its CdTe panels for its in-house system's business. Regionally, thin film production is most active in the US, Japan and Malaysia.
China's Hanergy acquired US CIGS manufacturer MiaSole as well as US flexible CIGS manufacturer Global Solar and the former Q-Cells CIGS business in Europe. There is demand for lighter weight photovoltaic panels and a lack of commercial or near commercial availability of PV technology to fulfill this demand. In particular, China has strong interest in rooftop solar, but unfortunately, inappropriate roof construction for currently available PV product. 

Wind energy in Netherlands: Heart of new Dutch wind farm installed offshore

The OHVS (Offshore High Voltage Station) was installed offshore for the new Dutch offshore wind farm, Eneco Luchterduinen (129 MW). A crane vessel was deployed for this spectacular operation. With its 80-metre-high booms, the floating crane picked up the station in IJmuiden.

The OHVS (appr. 900 tonnes) is four storeys high, 24 metres long, 23 metres wide, and 16 metres high and is equipped with  transformers and switch gear. The transformer station, which will collect the power that will soon be generated by 43 wind turbines and convert it from 33kV to 150kV, will serve as the departure point of the power cable that will transport it more than 25 kilometres to the mainland.

Van Oord is the main contractor for the Eneco Luchterduinen offshore wind farm. The construction of the wind farm is in full swing. Last autumn, 44 foundation piles were installed. Van Oord will begin installing the 43 Vestas wind turbines in April. The Eneco Luchterduinen wind farm will be operational by the end of 2015 and will generate power for nearly 150,000 households. 


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